Once again Sean Hannity proved that partisanship trumps patriotism – and any other concern he may have for his country – as he diminished Senator John McCain’s analysis of the tense situation in Egypt and Libya - and elevated Sarah Palin’s. Palin, of course, was completely on board the Use-The-Crisis-To-Bash-Obama Fox News Express. But McCain made the shocking decision to put real foreign policy concerns first. The result was a bit of fireworks and an abrupt ending to the discussion.
Just as Hannity made Ann Coulter the lead-off pundit the night before, there could only be one reason for making Sarah Palin the lead guest last night to discuss violence in Egypt and Libya: To attack President Obama – and under a nauseating mantle of patriotism. Sure enough, video of that noted ignoramus on foreign policy is posted on FoxNews.com with the headline: Palin: 'The Obama administration dropped the ball.' The McCain segment is not there at all.
Hannity was in full-blown, phony-baloney Hanctimony: “I am beyond outraged, angry, Senator… We apologize to them… Why are we giving $2 billion taxpayer dollars to Egypt?”
McCain explained that Egypt is “the heart and soul of the Arab world. It is not in our interest to see it travel down the path towards radical Islamic extremism. It’s not in our interest to see Al Qaeda gain a foothold there and I think that we have to carefully calibrate whether our assistance will help or hurt.” He added that “obviously,” we need to re-examine our relationship with Egypt now, “but at the same time, to just cut off all aid and cut off all relations with Egypt, I think is not an appropriate move, to tell you the truth.”
Well, of course, Hannity knows better. Unlike McCain, Hannity has never served a day in his life in the military, never spent a day toiling away at foreign relations but he knows how to hate… all in the name of loving his country. “How is it they (the Obama administration) didn’t see this coming?” he demanded. “And they kept telling the American people this is democracy, democracy. I don’t view the Muslim Brotherhood as democracy. They want sharia law implemented now in Egypt.”
Apparently, Hannity has forgotten how much he championed democracy in Iraq – whose post-invasion laws forbid legislation that is antithetical to Islam. But we haven’t.
McCain was obviously annoyed. “It was you and people on Fox that said in Libya, …’Let’s not help these people.’ They had an election and they elected moderates. They rejected Islamists.” He acknowledged that while there are extremists and Al Qaeda in Libya, they are “friends of ours and they support us.”
McCain added, “So you were wrong about Libya.”
Once again, Hannity insisted otherwise. “I always say, ‘What are you going to replace (a dictator) with?” Except, it seems, Iraq. But I guess George W. Bush was in charge then so need to question anything! But what really seemed to bug Hannity was that McCain was not attacking President Obama as was obviously the plan.
So Hannity, who has shown little to no interest in Libya, went back to attacking Obama on Egypt. “We’re apologizing, our government, to Egypt after they raid our embassy and rip our flag down? Frankly, Senator, I would think you’re with me on this.”
McCain insisted he’s not “taking the side of the administration.” His point was, “the largest nation in the Arab world is something we have to carefully calibrate our actions with.”
But, apparently, that was too substantive and not partisan enough for the Bullyboy. The interview abruptly ended and Hannity gleefully teased an upcoming segment comparing Barack Obama to Jimmy Carter.
You already stated the answer: It’s part of McCain’s ongoing efforts to pander to the base, and appear “republican first, American second.”
Sarah Palin was, is, and always will be, the albatross around the neck of McCain’s Ancient Mariner: no matter what else he accomplishes in whatever remains of his political life, it will be viewed through the lens of the monumental FAIL of her selection as VP candidate.
McCain knows this, which is why, following the lead of the mainstream GOP, he’s distanced himself from Palin — but, he also know a certain segment of the base will die for Palin, thus, even if he won’t acknowledge her, he must at least appear on their approved network . . .
“One has to wonder what heâll do after the debates⦠"
I’ve already laid in an adequate supply of food (home-made TV dinners), water and wine. Don’t want to miss one minute of that.
KKKlannity had to accept McCain and he’s now had to accept Romney. The man is understandibly furious that his advice was ignored and it’s particularly galling to be so rebuked by inferiors.
“back when the Arab spring was ongoing, didnât the Republicans and neocons try to credit Bush for it happening? You know, the Democratic beacon Iraq showing the way?”
Chris Wallace said that very same thing on F&F yesterday.
(Truthfully, I don’t believe McCain is suffering any symptoms of dementia but Gov Half-Term’s little masturbating legions are.)
Hannocchio is a thin-skinned, short-tempered, low-self esteem, self-absorbed man who hates being wrong on any topic.
The Stop Hannity Express says Hannocchio is a troubled man with a troubled past. He’s done things in his life that will never be forgiven, and he knows what we are talking about.
McCain is probably laughing at you with his colleagues. He is probably telling them how dumb you are and how Ailes can hire such a uneducated twit to host a television news show.
This was almost as fun as Hannity and Morris losing their composure near the end of the 2008 campaign.
McCain’s points, in fairness, were actually well done. The part that most of the Fox News crew don’t get is that the Embassy release about the video was not an apology – it was an attempt to minimize the damage from that video. That isn’t weakness, it’s being a good neighbor and guest. I’ll give O’Reilly credit for at least paying lip service to this idea. But Hannity is clearly flailing at this point. One has to wonder what he’ll do after the debates…
Sorry that I missed McCain’s smackdown of KKKlannity and Fux Noise. He will not be welcomed back anytime soon.
It doesn’t amaze any of us that far-right talk radio and Faux have used the uprisings in the Middle East to do nothing but bash and scream at President Obama. They don’t give two shits about what is going on and any thoughtful analysis of the situation, its just Obama is worthless and he is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood. All day, every day. Jeez, they even coming up with the canard that the Mitter looks soooooooooo presidential and forceful when talking about. Yeah, him and his effin smirk looks real presidential talking about foreign affairs.