Of all people who should have no credibility on the subject of the Iraq war, it’s “We know where the WMDs in Iraq are” and “I doubt the war will last as long as six months” Donald Rumsfeld. But being a Republican and/or Obama critic is all the credibility needed on Fox News, especially to Sean Hannity.
During their palsy 5:32 minute interview last night, Rumsfeld first promoted an app he developed. But then, at 2:28, Hannity got to what’s nearest and dearest to him: bashing his political foes without regard to truth, logic or other people’s bloodshed.
Oh, Hannity pretends to care, but it’s only in service of his own political goals. “I went with you to Iraq,” he began grandly. “When you hear the city ‘Mosul,’ ‘Fallujah,’ ‘Ramadi, ‘Tikrit,’ in the hands of ISIS, all the financial resources that they get from the oil. I’m angry that this president didn’t finish the job. Nobody seems to talk about that.”
Mind you, “Great American” Hannity is not angry that Rumsfeld helped start a needless war based on falsehoods in the first place, he’s angry that we didn’t “finish the job.” Whatever that job was supposed to be after more than eight years of war. And, of course, nobody pointed out that when Obama left, “Essentially, he implemented the phase-out plan laid out by Bush.”
Rumsfeld couldn’t have looked more delighted at this opportunity to shirk his own responsibility for the mess in Iraq. “You’re quite right. A great deal of effort and heartbreak has gone into this and by pulling out precipitously and by not providing the kind of support for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government that he could have, a lot of damage has been done,” he said.
Support? This is the guy who was part of the de-Baathification that caused so much destabilization in the first place. And as for supporting our troops, Rumsfeld is also the one who shrugged off their lack of armor by saying, "You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."
But Hannity wasn’t done posing as a defender of the military (while wishing more danger on them). “If you’re the parent who lost your son and they won the city and you see the city is now in the hands of ISIS, I would be so angry, I’d be apoplectic over that,” he said.
Hannity probably doesn’t need to worry too much about that ever happening to his over-privileged kids. Given that he’s too cowardly to even fulfill his pledge to undergo waterboarding for charity, I seriously doubt any of them will ever put their fannies on the line for this country.
Watch this shameless display below, from the January 25 Hannity.
Your phony attacks on President Obama has been drowned out by Trumpster who will see to it that Nixon Trainee Ailes loses viewers at this so-called “news” network.
The GOP Frankenstein continues on his rampage, Soon, the GOP will be known as the Gone Old Party.