Remember how a few days ago Sean Hannity agreed with Donald Trump that law-breaking Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy should settle up with the federal government and end the armed conflict over his refusal to pay grazing fees? In a matter of minutes – specifically, the exact number between Hannity’s interview with Trump and his following interview with Bundy – Hannity forgot all about that desire and was back to ratcheting up hostility.
You may recall that on Wednesday, April 16, Trump visited the Hannity show and expressed concern over Bundy’s lawlessness and the tensions that have arisen over it:
I like him but you also have to say… you do have a certain law. I mean, you have it all throughout the United States and they pay their fees and they pay all sorts of grazing fees. …You know, if I were Cliven ...he ought to go and cut a good deal right now. That’s the best thing that could happen for everybody. It’s really vicious.
…You do have laws in the country and, you know, if everybody was doing exactly as he’s doing, I don’t know – where does it all go? This is a great time for him to go in and make a deal.
Hannity replied, “Yeah, actually, I think that’s good advice.”
But during the same show, Hannity sang a very different tune once his new BFF came on the air. Hannity would have been in a great position to try and broker a deal but he didn’t. Instead, it was reckless rhetoric as usual for him.
Hannity began the interview with an inflammatory and obviously pre-scripted introduction. Emphases are mine.
This is a Fox News alert. There is shocking new video of the destruction left behind of the Bureau of Land Management after it took over Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada last week. You have busted water pipes, damaged cattle pens and dead animals are just some of the examples of the damage that was done.
Hannity slyly – and disingenuously – worked in Bundy’s long record of lawlessness and mooching off “we the people” via a quote from Harry Reid’s son. Hannity demonized Rory Reid by describing him as “doubling down” on his father’s criticisms of Bundy. It was also a sly, disingenuous way of suggesting that Bundy’s lawlessness was just a matter of partisan opinion.
But Hannity also directly and deliberately threw more gasoline on the fire in his interview with some Bundy family memebers. Some examples of Hannity's questions and comments:
- I’ve gotten to know you… You and your family seem like really nice people. I am concerned that the federal government, from their perspective, think that they look bad. And as a result, they may want to make an example out of you. I would hate to see that happen. If in fact they try to stage an Elian Gonzalez-style raid… what’s gonna happen?
- When you really break this down, this is what it seems to be about to me. That (Bundy) took his cattle, he thinks it’s state land, they’re claiming it’s federal land, and basically, …these cattle ate federal grass, and you didn’t pay for it and they might have pooped on federal property. I mean, is that really worth hundreds of agents, snipers and the Senate Majority Leader and his son saying that you ought to be arrested and put away for however long they want to put you away?
- Are you worried about what the federal government’s capable of doing from this point forward?
What do you call a television host who cozies up to a (white) criminal, champions his armed pals ready to wage war on federal agents trying to enforce the law and does everything he can to make that happen? Sean Hannity.
Hannity graphic by Nina Brodsky.
People at Benghazi fought for 7 hours hoping that the cavalry would arrive over the hill (closest was 2 hours away); but the president told units asking permission to counterattack to “stand down” and went to bed. Hillary had been asked before that for extra security because intelligence reports showed there was something brewing. She did nothing about it, or any recorded recommendation to the commander-in-chief.
Both of you made my point about only answers from progressives is emotional anger, mainly because they have no facts and what their handlers tell them. Laura, look up that statement about embassies again. I did not like Bush policies, but at least I was more fair and objective about my criticism, unlike you useful idiots of the New World Order. And, as far as you, Mark Jeffries, I recognize that name, the infamous troll that follows blogs like this and when someone disagrees or shows their information is askew – bam, immediately a “teabagger wingnut moron”. How do you people sleep at night?
First it is “Bundy cheat on taxes” – which is a bold-face lie, only based on the false accusation by one of the most corrupt members of Congress.
Even the mainstream media has, to a certain extent, reported corruption – and you ask “What corruption?”. We do not have good leadership because of people like you and those who rely on your naive ideology that squirms in your dark little minds. You always accuse others of what the leadership and organization of your clan actually do.
I detest hypocrisy as much as lying and cruelty that you people dish out.
Other than that, I quote Arthur’s butler … “Go screw yourself”. Those of you who call Bundy and company “traitors” are just pointing fingers with that guilt upon your heads if you do not see the principles in action here. The Feds did not have to send armed personnel with dogs to get their alleged fees – the court action should have put a lien on property until it was paid. Then you want to hypocritically declare “rule of law” – when the mandate that they were following was not passed by Congress, thus not a “law”, but a regulation written up by Big Brother in Washington Administration.
People like you is why the country is so screw up. I imagine the table would have been turned if this was the Bush administration, of which I had beefs against as well and did nothing to limit powers of government or follow constitutional guidelines to straighten economy and other important issues. This administration is certainly NOT the cause of this tyranny, it just escalated under the Obama regime; along with corruption. This blog is so focused upon trying to get dirt out of Fox that important things like the IRS Gestapo scandal and the horrific Benghazi incident. I guess owed fees is more important than the life of an Ambassador (and security personnel), for the president did not order the agents to stand down like Benghazi.
So desperate to increase his sagging ratings, the aging Hannocchio makes a mountain out of a molehill by creating tensions between the tax cheat rancher and the federal government.
In reality, Hannocchio could care less about that dimwit rancher and his adult children. This is strictly about tv ratings.
The Stop Hannity Express will break it down for all the masses.
Hannocchio loves money and the luxuries that come with it. For example, the private jets-like the Embraer Legacy 600-and the 5-star suites, resorts and villas by the beach or lake. Private schools and tennis lessons for his spoiled children, and endless spending money for Mrs. H at retail stores and salons. He loves this lifestyle.
His biggest fear in life is losing it all. His money, his broadcasting career, influential friends, his position of power, etc. That would devastate him mentally.
To avoid this devastation, Hannocchio intentionally creates controversy to keep his name in the media. He does this for publicity purposes to draw an audience. His long time girlfriend, Annie plays along-with the help of her loving boyfriend.
Karma will come back to haunt this Long Island cafeteria Catholic by taking away his broadcasting career and sending him back to construction work.
From his earliest hysterical warmongering against Iraq, his glee at the prospect of dropping nukes at every opportunity (Iran, North Korea, Moscow), his eagerness to join the Minutemen patrolling the Southern border with loaded AR-15s, and now this Bundy affair — to name just a few examples — Hannocchio’s twisted mind won’t be satisfied until blood is spilled.
Most middle-aged white men turn to things like porn to get their rocks off. With Slanthead, I’m convinced he can only have an orgasm thinking about bullets flying and bombs exploding.