There’s been a lot of internet buzz about Kirsten Powers’ confrontation with Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson over his shockingly misogynistic statements in a video that we first posted about on March 15, 2012 (our own Priscilla found it). As awful as those comments were, this seems a good time to remind people that Peterson has also made shockingly bigoted statements on Fox, especially on Sean Hannity’s shows. Yet Peterson keeps getting invited back. And Hannity continues to sit on the Advisory Board of Peterson’s charity.
Some of Peterson’s bigoted statements:
“Most blacks, not all but most in Tennessee, especially in the Memphis, Tennessee area, are still living in the 50’s and 60’s. They are so racist that they don’t even realize that white Americans have moved on. And so whenever there’s a (political) campaign like this, such as this, they always use racism in order to intimidate white America.” (8/6/08 Hannity & Colmes)
“I think we all agree that Barack Obama was elected by, mostly by black racists and white guilty people. Most black Americans, 96 percent of them, are racists who (unintelligible) white Americans. And white folks feel guilty and they are afraid of being called racists.” (2/3/09 Hannity)
“(Obama) wants us to take care of people who really will not get up and take care of themselves… You know what? I have changed the White House from being the White House to Big Mama’s House.” (3/19/10 Hannity)
“…(W)hite Americans are afraid. They are afraid of being called a racist. And anytime you are afraid, your enemy will overtake you… And I’m giving white folks permission to start speaking up.” (1/22/08 Hannnity & Colmes)
In another Peterson video we posted on March 11, 2012, Peterson thanked God for slavery (really) and went on to compare slave ships to flying coach:
…I thank God that He saw fit for me to get here. Never mind that, you know, (my ancestors) were sold… by Arabs and blacks to white folks… The ride over was pretty tough but you know, it’s like riding on a crowded airplane when you’re not in First Class. It’s a tough ride. But you’re happy when you get to your desitination… I thank God that he got me here and to show my appreciation to the blacks who suffered as the result of coming here, and Arabs and blacks who sold us to the white man, the white man for going there and getting us and bringing us here, I want to say, ‘Thanks.’”
Max Blumenthal quoted Peterson in an excellent profile in The Nation in 2005:
“Blacks see racism everywhere they look, even though by most accounts there is really very little racism left among whites—certainly not among those with much power and influence. The sad truth is that black racism is far more pervasive today than is white racism,” Peterson wrote in his 2003 polemic Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.
What Peterson said about women in the video Powers referenced is even more disgusting:
Not all, not all, not all, but most (women) turned into little whores.
We leave a woman to herself in the home, she destroys the family.
Just as men need to be guided by Christ, women need to be guided by men.
One of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should never have turned it over to women… It was a big mistake.
It’s impossible to catalog all the jaw-dropping statements Peterson makes about women in that one video. But the real point is not what he says but how he keeps getting welcomed back on Fox News as a credible pundit.
Insiders know every detail about Hannocchio’s past and plan to expose him for who he really is.