Sean Hannity – the guy whose go-to experts on unrest in the Middle East are Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter (whom he treats more respectfully than John McCain) – obviously thinks he knows better than two United States Senators sitting on the Foreign Relations Committee. As they tried to explain to college drop-out Hannity why it’s in the United States’ interest to continue sending aid to Egypt, he insisted otherwise.
Hannity is a college drop out who has never spent a day in his life serving his country. But hanging out on radio and television with such luminaries as Palin and Coulter must be one heck of an education. Because Senators Bob Corker and Jim DeMint appeared late in the show, after Newt Gingrich got two top-of-the-hour segments, and debates about the Middle East with various regular pundits.
As Senator Corker explained why he’s calling for an investigation into what happened in Libya, Hannity interrupted him to let everyone know that the Great Hannity already has the answers!
"You don’t have mortars – apparently, which we at Fox are reporting. You don’t have rocket-propelled grenades here. And that was all, and the Libyan president said so. And then we had three days warning, according to reports. Warned directly that this was gonna happen.”
Then he played a new right-wing ad which, as Hannity described it, “shows the President of Egypt, Morsi, and his past positions on Israel and Jerusalem and some other controversial things and there’s an issue of funding Egypt further.”
A graphic in the lower right of the screen blared: FUNDING RADICALISM. The “radicalism” was in red, as if in flames, and was placed next to some kind of burning building.
DeMint, no friend of the Obama administration, told Hannity, “I don’t think we should give up on Egypt. We really can’t afford to.”
Hannity interrupted him. “I want to cut off all funding until they recognize Israel’s right to exist, that (Morsi) denounces his past comments.”
DeMint tried to explain that he thinks “all foreign aid” should be conditional but Hannity interrupted him again to ask Corker the same question.
Corker said, “We want the right results with this aid,” but he added that $1.3 billion is “directly tied to the Camp David accord and so it’s actually in Israel’s interest that we continue this relationship with Egypt.”
Foreign policy maven Hannity interrupted again. “I don’t see it. I don’t see it.” He shook his head. He went on to complain that the leadership of Egypt is “The Muslim Brotherhood… saying during the Arab Spring which is now the Arab Winter Nuclear Nightmare, which is coming, that, 'Prepare for war with Israel.' The President Morsi has called the Israelis ‘vampires.’ He says he wants the capital to be Jerusalem. Not Cairo, Jerusalem!”
By the way, while Hannity makes a big show of support for Israel, he has palled around with some major anti-Semites such as Mel Gibson, Hal Turner and Andy Martin.
Since this whole thing started, most of the republicans I’ve seen on Fox have tried to toe a fine line between responsibility and the rabid-dog ranting expected of them. Only a few of the less intelligent ones (aka tea partiers) have taken up the proferred sword (nuclear bomb).
PS: the Senate voted 81 to 10 NOT to cut aid to Libya, Egypt and Pakistan. They know full well that doing so will eliminate any leverage the USA has had with their governments.
Just ask Slanthead what he thinks of Frank Rich, who dared to criticize Hannity hero Gibson’s anti-Semitic Jesus trash film.
Just ask Hannity what he thinks of elderly Jews in South Florida who had trouble marking the presidential ballot in 2000.
Just ask Hannity what he thinks of middle-aged Jewish teachers and civil servants taking advantage of rent controls in NYC.
2) Ellen, don’t ever bring up the fact that Hannity never served his country! He’s told callers (on the radio) that his father served in WWII and that was “good enough!”
The Fux Noise chickenhawk brigade—-KKKlannity, Talking Toilet Brush Bolton, Gomer Huckabee, Chucky Kraphamsters, the Whore of Babble-On, et al—-won’t be satisfied until American troops are fighting and dying in a general war against the entire Muslim world.
That’s because you suffer from a cranial immersion into the anal cavity:
OK Kkklannity. Run for the Top Office and Live Your Dream.