Sean Hannity continued his race war against the NAACP last night. His conservative guest, David Webb, actually announced that it’s time he and Hannity go on “offense” against the NAACP’s supposed racism. Anyone with the slightest familiarity with Hannity’s own race record knows that accusing blacks of racism is one of his typical subterfuges of bigotry against African Americans. Anyone, that is, except maybe the other guest, Richard Fowler. It was an epic failure of liberal punditry.
Webb’s declaration of war came well into the segment about some NAACP official’s comments that served as the pretext for this particular outburst of racial animosity. Webb said, “You know what we need to do, Sean? Offense. …You and I combined. Just you and I alone. Two of the biggest radio platforms, terrestrial and satellite, Fox News in this country… We need to turn on them and go after them.”
As if Hannity, Webb and Fox have not already gone on offense. As if they hadn’t spent the entire discussion going on offense. But rather than face that head on, Fowler deflected by defending the NAACP for standing up for gay rights. Which I would call a worthy cause and a worthy argument – but totally not at all what was needed or called for here.
Fowler, also African American, ought to know by now Hannity’s bigotry. But instead of confronting the bully by the horns, Fowler played the stooge with his nuanced, wonky and, ultimately, ineffective responses.
Hannity and Webb aggressively antagonistic against NAACP, Fowler mildly defends
Hannity’s first provocative question:
Richard, if the NAACP’s mission is the advancement of colored people and you have these bigoted attacks, repeated attacks, against black conservatives, don’t they have an obligation to speak out and condemn these things and stand up for these black conservatives?
There were many ways Fowler could have answered this question and earned virality for himself: Fowler could have said, “Sean, why is it that you only care about racial justice for black conservatives? The fact is your racial record is full of hostility against mainstream African Americans and outright race baiting against many of them?” Or Fowler could have questioned why, if Hannity has such a problem with the NAACP, he has given passes to outrageously bigoted attacks on his own show?
Instead of confronting the white elephant in the room, Fowler gave just the kind of response the Hannity show producers might have scripted for him, short of jumping up and saying, “You’re so right, Sean! What were they thinking?”
Fowler said: "Well, listen, I think there’s a big difference in what we saw from (the NAACP’s) Rev. Barber and what we saw from this (NAACP) representative in Alabama. I think the representative of Alabama’s out of line, here, Sean. I’ll give you that."
Hannity interrupted. “I didn’t ask you that question. Every time I ask you a question, you never answer it.”
And yet, Fowler keeps getting asked back. I’ve got to think it’s because Hannity and/or Fox wants a foil, not an answer.
And Fowler was just that. He continued: "Listen, Sean. I’ve said this once, I’ve said this twice, I’ve said this three times and I’m pretty clear on it. I think the NAACP stands up for issues that affect black folks all across the country and…"
Hannity interrupted again. “Is it wrong? Should they stand up in these two specific cases?” Hannity did a karate chop into his hand in hammy outrage.
“Well, I think the cases are completely different,” Fowler said, as if there was any difference in the message, tactics and agenda from Hannity.
Webb knew the score. He interrupted, "Can we just stop parsing the B.S. which is what’s going on here? …I’ve had it with this whether we worry about the explanation or the apology."
Webb quickly pointed his finger of racism at the NAACP: “They’re bigoted attacks by bigots who are under the NAACP banner. …The root of this problem is that they feel that they can make these attacks. So screw the explanations, keep the apologies. …The root of this problem is that these guys… feel that they’re entitled to make bigoted comments …because this fits their agenda.”
Now, that’s rich. The network that insisted Santa is white, that chastises black Americans for not blaming themselves for Trayvon Martin’s death, that regularly wages race wars against Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Oprah Winfrey complaining about bigoted attacks?
Why didn't Fowler call out Hannity and Webb on their obvious agenda?
Somehow, Fowler missed the utter hypocrisy and yes, B.S. When Hannity demanded he answer whether or not this particular statement was bigoted, Fowler answered that yes, he thought so.
Come on, Richard. It’s time to get some smarts about what you’re up against.
If this clown was born during slavery, he would be a house slave washing and ironing Hannocchio’s long johns, cooking his meals, and serving his tea in the parlour.
Hannocchio treats black conservatives like house slaves. If they are willing to destroy the black community, they will be richly rewarded.
White conservatives could care less about black conservatives. They just use them for their own hidden agendas. Black conservatives running for any political office are more likely to receive less financial contributions from white conservatives, and lose elections. These clowns don’t realize that the Tea Nuts don’t want their kind in position of power. They will allow maybe one or two to avoid being called racist.
Black conservatives are fools to think that Hannocchio and his ilk care about them. They are nothing but house slaves to the Republican Party.
The Stop Hannity Express and its media partners will see to it that their latest venture against the NAACP fails. In fact, we a confident that it will fail.
The year 2014 will not be a good year for this aging cafeteria Catholic.
Coming down the pipeline: The backlash.
Go buy that popcorn. The coming attractions will be good this year. Hannocchio’s hidden secrets will see the light of day.
As for Fowler— I’m perpetually baffled at the willingness of people like him — and Fox has a small stable of them — to be patsies in Fox’s favorite entertainment of having a white host smugly preside over a catfight between an aggressive black conservative and a mild-mannered black liberal.
Fowler is ID’d on screen as a “Democratic strategist.” I can’t think of a worse advertisement for a Democratic strategist than being a willing participant over and over and over again in these humiliating Fox black-on-black smackdown shows.
He glistens.
I mean, look at Mia Love- As far as I know, she isn’t a racist, and doesn’t seem to be carry any of the far right hang-ups, past playing ball when Fox News or Conservative Talk trots her out. But the Tea Party and the Utah GOP want her gone, they’re bullying her with every slur in the book. They’ve also hacked and vandalized her social media and she gets almost as many death threats as the Obamas regarding her 2nd term election.
Know how I know the RW media claims that liberals are doing it is bullshit? Her name hasn’t come up fifty times per segment on this “black conservatives are targeted” meme. If even one of these people was someone they could prove was a liberal, it’d be a centerpiece in every last conversation.
Because she’d be the best example, by far if it wasn’t their side doing it.