Republican lap dog Sean Hannity was rendered speechless and stammering last night (1/10/12) when, during a discussion about the results of the New Hampshire primary and the upcoming South Carolina primary, Republican candidate Rick Perry lit into his rival Mitt Romney in what sounded a lot like an attack that could have come from a Democrat – by savaging Romney’s record as a “vulture capitalist” at Bain Capital. Hannity sputtered but had no real response. It’s Through The Looking Glass with the GOP!
In his blistering attack, Perry accused Romney’s company of having “picked” the bones clean” of the companies they took over and “leav(ing) the carcasses behind,” rather than saving jobs.
Hannity chided Perry, “When I hear that, it almost sounds like Occupy Wall Street. It doesn’t sound like somebody that is governing the State of Texas as a conservative.” He also said, "To say they’re vultures and they’re unethical, I mean that’s about as severe a charge as you can make.”
Perry did not back down. “There’s a real difference between venture capitalism and vulture capitalism. Venture capitalism we like. Vulture capitalism, no. And the fact of the matter is that he’s going to have to face up to this at some time or another and South Carolina is as good a place to draw that line in the sand as any… We’re looking for somebody that knows how to build jobs, create jobs and that’s what I’ve done in the State of Texas. So there’s no use trying to paper this over. That is a problem for Mitt and he’s going to have to face it.”
Hannity stuttered as he struggled for words. “You’re saying that Mitt Romney, Governor Romney is a vulture capitalist?”
Yes, he was. Perry called Romney’s company “irresponsible.” He added, “The truth is the truth, Sean, and there’s no use in us trying to shy away from it.” Perry said that President Obama will surely attack Romney’s record at Bain capital, so they might as well deal with it now.
What's worth noting is that the best defense Hannity seemed to be able to provide is that Romney's vulture behavior is part of our good capitalism system. He did not and could not argue that there was nothing venal or vulture-like about it.
Grab the popcorn!
High End Hannocchio is watching in horror a GOP train wreck. This was not in his original plan. Now this St. Pius X class clown is forced to play referee to The Newt, The Mitt, and Good Hair Perry.
Back at the ranch, Hannocchio’s audience are dropping like flies. The Ron Paul crowd is using social media to tell the conservative masses that Hannocchio is a conservative fraud-with success.
Genius, you complain about liberals silencing you, but the Ron Paul conservatives are doing a better job. Conservatives are your worse enemies.
RP – “Hey KKKlownnity, did I ever tell you the joke about the moronic Fux Nuze Imbecile who could only sputter and spatter garbage because he had a hearing problem and was brain damaged?”
SH – “Humana humana humana humana humana ……. whaaaaa ?!”
RP – “Yah! It ain’t really a joke – right!!!!”
Perry wouldn’t take the bait last nite. Klannity tried bringing up staples – fail. Tried bringing up Obama- fail. Tried to compare him with the Occupy movement – fail. Perry had one thing on his mind last nite and that was to attack Romney for what he is – Gordon Gekko with worse hair, a less fancier suit and less intelligence. Perry is no genius himself, but didn’t let an imbecile like Klannity get him off of his local train of thought.
2012- Vulture Capitalist.
Hannity: “Splutter splutter splutter.”
Even by Fux Noise low standards, KKKlannity is a very dull tool.