Chalk up Geraldo Rivera as the latest Fox News personality to enter, or considering entering, Republican politics. If he takes the leap he's "truly contemplating," he'll join the ranks of fellow Fox News alums John Kasich, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Did I leave anyone out?
The Hill reported yesterday:
“I mention this only briefly, fasten your seatbelt,” Rivera said on his radio show. “I mentioned this only briefly to my wife ... but I am and I’ve been in touch with some people in the Republican Party in New Jersey. I am truly contemplating running for Senate against Frank Lautenberg or Cory Booker.”
The Hill also reports that Rivera could face a tough primary race.
H/T TVNewser
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mj - the same one commented
2013-02-01 13:27:58 -0500
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If he takes the leap he’s “truly contemplating,” he’ll join the ranks of fellow Fox News alums John Kasich, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Did I leave anyone out?
Given Jerry’s teevee credentials, you should include:
Ronald Reagan
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Fred Dalton Thompson
Clint Eastwood
Fred “Gopher” Grandy
Sonny Bono
Alan Autry
Given Jerry’s teevee credentials, you should include:
Ronald Reagan
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Fred Dalton Thompson
Clint Eastwood
Fred “Gopher” Grandy
Sonny Bono
Alan Autry
about Geraldo Rivera Seriously 'Contemplating' Running For Senate
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2013-02-01 12:48:21 -0500
Maybe he can pass some legislation about hoodies!