has an article about the criminal charges entered against George Zimmerman. The first sentence paints Zimmerman in a sympathetic, innocent-looking light by describing him as a "neighborhood watch volunteer." Clearly, knows its readership. And they responded with murderous racism in the comments. Warning: VERY SHOCKING AND DISTURBING (H/T Reader Chuckie). UPDATED WITH A SELECTION OF RACIST JOKES.
Sadly, this is just a small sample. The racial hatred just goes on and on there. I could have grabbed hundreds more comments just as disturbing as these.
Wouldn't you think that someone with the name "Muslim_Nigger-Obama_is_A_Fag" would be a red flag to Fox moderators? But this guy has made 456 posts on Fox and received 759 "likes."
Also, to be fair, I checked Fox Nation and the comments on their thread about Zimmerman's charges were relatively civil and calm.
UPDATE: I was looking for something else on the thread and found this guy, "learnmyown" telling a series of racist jokes. I grabbed a few, just to get the gist. I flagged a few, too. Sadly, there are so many, I could never capture or flag them all. These were two of the worst. WARNING: EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY DISTURBING.
A compassionate service from Fux Nuze, aka Vatican USA.
And these are the Christian Jebus shouting, on their knees falling do-gooders,what scum.
I mean, is he afraid his comments won’t be posted if he uses the n-word in full when his screen name screams it to the world?
I wonder if there’s more than one “Adolf Hitler” running around other than the poor little boy from New Jersey?