Arthel Neville put together a roundup of the "most scandalous stories" of 2012. For some reason, she included Herman Cain. Not that Cain didn't deserve to be included but she sanitized the Cain scandal to the point that you might not have recognized it.
Here's what Neville said about Cain:
"9-9-9" all but forgotten. Herman Cain ending a presidential bid, saying cheating rumors were ruining his marriage.
Well, that's a nice way to describe the sexual harassment claims that haunted the final days of his run. For example, as Politico reported in late 2011:
During Herman Cain’s tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, at least two female employees complained to colleagues and senior association officials about inappropriate behavior by Cain, ultimately leaving their jobs at the trade group, multiple sources confirm to POLITICO.
The women complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them financial payouts to leave the association. The agreements also included language that bars the women from talking about their departures.
USA Today reports on two additional accusers.
And that's not counting the woman who claimed to have had a 13-year affair with him. Nor his embarrassing gaffes about Libya.
Also, while Neville portrayed Cain's abandonment of his run as some kind of concern for his marriage, she forgot to mention that his electability had been damaged, too. As Fox News reported:
Ginger White's allegation of a 13-year extramarital affair was made public on Monday, and the immediate impact on Herman Cain's candidacy was apparent in the polling results. From Sunday through Wednesday when the data was being collected, bad feelings about him doubled.
While 22% listed the businessman as the candidate they most wanted to see in a two-day rolling average of Sunday and Monday results, that dropped to an 8 percent average for Tuesday-Wednesday.
And as far as which candidate was most likely to have a scandal in the White House, Cain's numbers bolted from 25 percent at the start of polling to 47 percent at the end of polling.
So why bother to mention a "top scandal" if you're not going to properly describe it?
By the way, there's one other odd thing about this report. Cain actually dropped out of the race in 2011.
According to, the video below was aired December 17th. I saw it yesterday on America Live.
Goat wherever you are, please come back.
These crazies will never come out of that convenient Third Dimension
2011, 2012. What’s the difference? I mean it’s just numbers, and the GOP, teabaggers and FoxNoise don’t care about numbers (unless they’re tied to ratings and salaries).