A guest-hosted O'Reilly Factor last night re-aired Bill O'Reilly's interview with Navy SEAL Chris Kyle in which he claimed to have punched former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura during an encounter at a bar. Ventura has vehemently disputed Kyle's account and has demanded a retraction and an apology from Fox News. In fact, Fox's only verification seems to have been getting the names of two of Kyle’s buddies more than a week after airing the original interview. When they confirmed Kyle's story, O'Reilly pronounced Kyle a truth-teller and the investigation closed. Meanwhile, several other Fox News pundits all but declared Kyle a hero for having decked a former governor. Last night, O'Reilly Factor guest host Laura Ingraham failed to tell the "we report, you decide" network's viewers about Ventura's denial or any of the questions he has raised about Kyle's veracity. By the way, Kyle's enthusiastic reception at Fox may be only partly due to animosity toward 9/11 truther Ventura. Kyle's new book, which includes his story of the run-in with Ventura, is published by a sister company to Fox News.
O'Reilly's credulity is even more striking upon second viewing of the interview. Notice the ways in which he enthusiastically receives everything Kyle says without challenge or skepticism. No Spin Zone? I don't think so.
As I said on another post, kinda funny that he would forget a SEAL is vetted by an SOM officer- even if they accepted the Challenge Contract.
I bet I could give Kyle’s book to a SEAL and get at least 100 pages of places where he’s lying.
Well, it appears — according to J Ullmer, anyway — that Ventura being a UDT rather than a SEAL is all the justification needed for Kyle to punch him.
Should some ambitious DA decide to prosecute Kyle, or Ventura himself decide to file a civil suit against him, I’d be interested in seeing if Kyle will use this as his defense — or, better yet, if Kyle will suddenly backpedal from his claim . . .
That said… Chris Kyle has officially crossed into “beyond fucktarded” territory. I don’t think he realizes just how deep he’s in it either way.
And if he doesn’t care… then he’s not just stupid, but he needs his head checked.