“Straight news” anchor Bill Hemmer could not have been more disingenuous than in his charade with Karl Rove suggesting that former President Obama only reluctantly endorsed Joe Biden. And surprise! It turns out that perfectly meshes with the Trump campaign’s messaging.
After Obama’s video endorsement of Biden was released yesterday, Hemmer spent several minutes of his supposedly “straight news” Fox show suggesting to viewers that Obama didn’t really mean it.
“He stayed neutral during the primaries,” Hemmer said suggestively. His first question to Rove was also suggestive: “A lot of folks might have been sayin’ 'what took you so long?' He made a point of saying, ‘I’m staying out of this primary battle.’ Why do you think he took that approach during this, Karl?”
It speaks volumes that Hemmer’s only guest for the discussion was GOP strategist Rove. The chances of anyone in Camp Obama confiding in Rove are about the same as anyone confiding in Trump. But Hemmer didn’t need to ask Rove. We already know why Obama waited: He deliberately stayed out of the primary so that he could play unifier once there was a nominee.
Rove, however, took the not-so-subtle cue to baselessly suggest Obama didn’t want to endorse Biden.
ROVE: Well, because it was clear, right from the beginning a lot of the people that surrounded President Obama, his political advisers and so forth had real doubts about Joe Biden as a candidate and both in the primaries and in the general election. And I thought that ambivalence was sort of reflected in President Obama’s endorsement. First of all, it took him two minutes into the 12-minute tape before he even brought up the issue of politics. And you’re right, he praised Joe Biden from a personal perspective.
Hello, we’re in the middle of a pandemic that has left thousands of Americans dead! Obama was expressing sympathy and compassion for suffering Americans, his appreciation for medical and other workers “taking risks every day to keep our economy running” and for everyday Americans making sacrifices at home. In short, he was acting presidential. Maybe Trumpers just can’t understand putting humanity over politics for a few minutes.
Rove’s final comment, suggesting that Obama only praised Biden as a person, i.e. not as a future president, is just plain dishonest. In fact, Hemmer played a clip of Obama explicitly endorsing Biden’s presidential capabilities at the beginning of the discussion.
OBAMA: Joe helped me manage H1N1 and prevent the Ebola epidemic from becoming the type of pandemic we are seeing now. He helped me restore America’s standing and leadership in the world on the other threats of our time, like nuclear proliferation and climate change.
Joe has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery.
Not shown in the Fox clip was Obama saying, “Joe was there as we rebuilt from the Great Recession and rescued the American auto industry. He was the one asking what every policy would do for the middle class and everyone striving to get into the middle class. That is why I asked him to implement the Recovery Act, which saved millions of jobs and got people back on their feet, because Joe gets stuff done.”
Rather than correct the record, Hemmer furthered the false narrative. After Rove argued that Obama’s comments about the recovery would be more helpful to Trump than Biden, Hemmer weighed back in. First, he quoted Trump’s campaign manager, then he amplified it.
HEMMER: So, here’s what Brad Parscale said, from the Trump team: “Now that Biden is the only candidate left in the field, Obama has no other choice but to support him. Even Bernie Sanders beat him to it. Obama was right in the first place: Biden is a bad candidate who will embarrass himself and his party. President Trump will destroy him.”
So, they’re gonna say – I mean, it did not take a profile in courage to pull this off today. I think it goes back to the question, what did you think of his hands-off approach during this, Karl?
Rove must have run out of attack lines. He said, “I think it was probably wise ‘cause he had to be the figure who unifies. There had to be somebody who was standing apart from this who had stature who could say let’s all come together.”
Nah, that was just a temporary lapse for Rove. He concluded by claiming that Obama had “surrendered” to Bernie Sanders and was “dismissive” of “the more moderate approach” Obama, himself, had governed under. Apparently, Rove forgot that Obama was a “socialist” handing out “free stuff,” according to Fox, back when he was in the White House.
As I predicted last week, Sanders may have left the race, but Fox News fear mongering about socialism lives on.
Watch it below, from the April 14, 2020 Bill Hemmer Reports, via the assistance of Crooks and Liars.
This is part of their larger false narrative about how Joe Biden is a doomed candidate who can’t get anyone to support him and is certain to go down to crushing defeat. (Some angry Left Wingers are trying to push this false narrative these days as well…) What’s odd about that narrative is that it runs counter to their open panic over Biden getting the nomination. If Biden is such an ineffectual loser, why are they so frightened of him?
Such innocent days they were, from today’s perspective. Who could have guessed that a decade later, that same flag-waving, hyper-Republican ‘news’ outlet would have progressed to cheerleading ACTUAL treason, ACTUAL Grand Theft Presidency and ACTUAL Presidential larceny on an industrial scale.