Fox News’ Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was so openly admiring of Russian President Vladimir Putin last night that you might wonder why Peters doesn’t just defect. It’s one thing to criticize President Obama’s foreign policy toward Russia and the Ukraine. But it’s another to keep suggesting that Putin is the leader you wish we had in the U.S.
Peters was introduced as the network's "chief strategic analyst" on The O’Reilly Factor last night.
Peters’ first comment was made with a smile of approval:
Putin – he’s such a sharp, cool customer. This guy, by agreeing to these talks next week, he’s basically giving us a lollipop to suck on while he robs the candy store. And Putin and his right-hand man, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, they realize that Kerry has no authority and Obama has no courage.
And I think Putin, who’s a sharp judge of character, Bill, has sized up Obama on this as Obama really doesn’t care about Ukraine. It’s an annoyance to him. It’s a distraction. It’s kind of like his attitude toward Israel. He just wishes it would go away.
The gushing continued throughout the segment:
…Putin doesn’t shrink from any action to get what he wants. And we have no leader capable.
The Europeans are whores and the Americans are fools. That’s what Putin thinks. And he’s pretty close to the mark on this.
…The bottom line is, never underestimate Vladimir Putin. Our governing elite in this country has been chronically doing so because he doesn’t fit their template. He’s uncouth. He’s not nice. He’s not polite. He poses with his shirt off. But he is the most brilliant, ruthless and powerful and capable world leader anywhere on the globe today.
Can you imagine if a liberal went on MSNBC and gushed over the superiority of, say, Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad or China’s President Xi Jinping?
photo credit: World Economic Forum via photopin cc
Horrors! Nuclear winter would have set in and the human species would be facing total extinction.
On the other hand, it wouldn’t take an actual exchange of warheads to achieve the same result. The general consensus now among the world’s leading climatologists is that we’re close to the tipping point now, from which there will be no return.
And total idiots like Slanthead only want to accelerate it, mocking and besmirching the scientists while proposing an immediate drill-everywhere, frack-everywhere policy with a goal of least quadrupling our dependence and consumption of fossil fuels.
Hannocchio even was thrilled to report (on the radio the other day) that plans are underway to drill off the Florida coast. Hey schmuckie Sean, does that include within sight of the balcony on your Moraya Bay condo in Naples, Fl.?
That said, Peters is one very sick puppy, from what I can tell. Kerry actually had it totally right when he said Putin was using 19th-century tactics in the 21st. They’re effective as hell, from Putin’s point of view, because the world has long since moved past this kind of crude stuff and is rightly reluctant to resurrect 19th century ways of countering it.
I’ve long said that Putin employs John McCain’s kind of thinking. Just imagine if McCain had won in 2008 and was president now….
Now, which damn army was this nincompoop in? Sheesh.