Donald Trump was indicted on seven federal charges related to the Mar-a-Lago documents investigation today. Fox News pundits wasted no time painting President Joe Biden and his administration as the real crooks.
The New York Times reported tonight, “While the precise details of all the charges are not yet clear, the people familiar with the matter said the charges include willfully retaining national defense secrets in violation of the Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and making false statements.”
As you might expect, the faux patriots at Fox are not concerned about crimes committed by the Republican frontrunner for the 2024 presidential nomination. Instead, they are focused like laser beams on weaponizing the news on behalf of their favorite presidential p***y grabber.
On the Hannity show tonight, Mark Levin, whined about “bandits in the White House” who “don't want to just win elections” but “want to take control of this country.” He added, “They want one party rule and they have used the Department of Justice and the FBI to get what they want. Merrick Garland is a mob lawyer.”
Later, on the same show, contributor Tammy Bruce, appearing with #LyingKayleigh McEnany, nearly burst into theatrical tears as she called the indictment “a punch in the face” of “Washington, and Adams and Jefferson and Hamilton and everyone who came after of Lincoln, everyone who died on the field at Gettysburg to save this nation.” Then she pleaded with viewers to support the great patriot, Donald Trump.
BRUCE: Well, I will never forget, that a few days after the midterms last year, Joe Biden at a live press conference statement asked about the fact that Trump had made some hint that he might run again. Joe Biden stated that he would make sure that Donald Trump would not take power. He said, specifically, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he, under the legitimate efforts of the Constitution, does not become the next president again.
That was a confession at the moment that they were going to do whatever they needed to, to stop Donald Trump from becoming the next president. Forget the election. Forget about the fact that it's the people of the United States, the sovereign, that make that decision, but that this was a contemplated act.
Then of course, the Mar-a-Lago raid itself was obviously meant for television, obviously meant to interfere with this coming election. But a number of your guests have said it very clearly tonight. This looks like it's about Donald Trump. It's never been about Donald Trump. It is about indicting and stopping his main political opponent. And that person is the collection of the American people. It is the tens of millions the 75 million that voted for him, that the same DOJ has been going after, as supposed domestic terrorists or extremists. This has been open. They've been sloppy about it. They've been overconfident. They haven't known when to stop. And this is now the result.
So, you're gonna see issues about espionage and whether or not he could become the president. Is that what Biden was implying? The timing. You could have waited a couple days after the House got the the FBI whistleblower caught, you know, of evidence regarding the Biden family, but they didn't even bother to do that.
This is so dramatically political, but also it is - you want something unconstitutional, something that is interfering with an election, but more than that, willing to destroy the entire dynamic of our system to punch in the face, not just us, but Washington, and Adams and Jefferson and Hamilton and everyone who came after, of Lincoln, everyone who died on the field at Gettysburg to save this nation. That is who is being punched in the face right now.
Donald Trump, thank God, he is willing to still stand for us and for this country, her past and her future, because this is the kind of guy he is. No matter who you are. If you're wobbling about him, or you're just not sure, this vote now is about everyone, not just him. And it shows you what they're afraid of. They're afraid of a future that is clear and that exposes them, but also remakes us again as the sovereign. That is what they cannot stand.
After that jaw-dropping spiel, Hannity commented, “If there’s any adherence to any single standard, the people that are going to, that will be suffering the most, are going to be the Bidens.”
Hang on to your hats. It’s going to be a wild ride.
You can watch the vileness below, from the June 8, 2023 Hannity.