After Fox Newsies have salivated for – no, predicted – the indictment of Hillary Clinton over her emails for months, now FBI Director James Comey has decided there’s no legal case to prosecute. But don’t worry, Foxies, potential Donald Trump cabinet member Rudy Giuliani has announced that if your man Trump is elected, he can re-open the case all over again!
Of course, many Fox News talking heads are howling over Comey's decision. Giuliani discussed the matter on The Real Story with Trump cheerleader Kimberly Guilfoyle as substitute host. She never told the “we report, you decide” network’s audience that Giuliani is a likely pick for a Trump cabinet position.
Giuliani called it “unreasonable” not to go forward with prosecution and “almost an abdication of duty” by Comey. He went on to claim that Clinton would not be able to pass a background security check. “She wouldn’t be the number 35 person at the State Department,” he said.
“Yes, she would fail the background check based on the standards that have been used for years and years,” Guilfoyle agreed.
Of course, nobody mentioned their beloved Trump’s multiple, long-standing ties to the mob.
Giuliani got his start in New York City politics fighting the mob, but he never never seemed to give Trump’s mob connections a thought.
Giuliani was, however, consoled by the thought that a Trump win could bring about a Clinton indictment after all.
GIULIANI: I am so disappointed in this. And I brought cases against the teamsters union during the 1988 election when it did serious damage to the Republican party. Gosh almighty. You know, you just put that out of your mind, you put all that stuff out of your mind. She violated 18 USC Section 793. Now the interesting thing is, the statute of limitations will not have run on this. And if Trump should win and appoint an attorney general who’s got the courage to do it, they could bring this indictment.
Guilfoyle, of course, was delighted. “That’s a significant point that nobody’s made today,” she said. “That’s why the world has been waiting to hear from you, for sure, on this.”
Watch this latest example of Fox News “fair and balanced,” below, from the July 5 The Real Story.
Great questions. I hope the Dems ask them.
On top of the potential problems with various underlings, Hillary was concerned with the need to ensure that The Big O (not long before a serious rival), Valerie Jarrett and the like did not get the chance to peek at matters under discussion before the State Department had the chance to formulate coherent arguments and policy positions.
Like Roger, I believe that Hillary’s and the State Department’s confidentiality was probably much better protected than it would be under an all-of-administration arrangement.
If Bill wanted to chat with Loretta, NONE of us (or her haters) would have known about it.
There were NO rules governing e-mail accounts with respect to the Secretary of State until after all this GOP-led smokescreen. Powell and Rice BOTH confirmed they used private accounts—even FOR government purposes.
As to that “shining their cuffs,” what the hell is THAT based on? If there’d been ANY GENUINE CRIME committed, Lynch couldn’t have done a damned thing about it—at least, not without screwing over her own career.
The GOP and the left-wing Hillary-haters are just pissed off that things didn’t go their way. But there is simply NO “there” there.
Could Hillary have used some better judgment at times? Well, shit, that goes without saying. EVERYBODY could use better judgment (let’s start off with Obama’s utter stupidity in believing he could work with Congressional GOPers or the Bernie supporters who believe he could get his far-left agenda passed with a Congress that has more than 40 GOPers in the Senate). But “poor judgment” is NOT a crime.
The events around this.
Could Clinton be innocent of wrongdoing? At this point, I’m inclined to say… Not really. Until Lynch stepped in, the FBI seemed to be shining their cuffs for her. And that’s gonna be the elephant in the room- That this happened in such close proximity to the white house thing, the Lynch comments, the intimidation of the admins that went deal. Hillary went out of her way to look guilty, no matter which side of the fence you’re on.
And Fox News is so ruled by their bias that they can’t even do what networks like ABC are doing, and say “God, this has gotten weird- We don’t even care if she’s guilty or not anymore, we’re more into how weird this has gotten. You can’t even make up a conspiracy weirder than the truth as far as we know it anymore.” Seriously, even when a chance to be legit on their line is handed to them, they can’t take it. Not cartoonish enough.
So Rudy is gonna reopen the matter if the Donald wins and if the Donald appoints him as AG. Why not reopen Whitewater while he’s at it. That only cost the taxpayers $70M, was a huge waste of government time and resulted in the impeachment of Bill Clinton on totally unrelated charges.
Rudy, remind the rest of America what a fun loving bunch the republicans are!!
Not a sue happy, over litigious bunch of spoiled brats at all.
I do agree if Hillary were some nobody like me did what she did I’d probably lose my security clearance. Is that unfair? Not if she becomes President. Is the fix in? No more than an orangutan like Trump who cavalierly shouts I spittle rages he enjoys war and will use nukes becoming Commander in Chief. No blowhard mouthing off what he does would ever rise past private in the military.