The sexist, homophobic, bigot “funny guy” Gavin McInnes was chosen as a guest for a Fox News discussion of drafting women into the military. Despite previously attacking women as weak, now McInnes seemed to think they don't suffer enough.
In the past, McInnes has said that women are “less ambitious” and that he thinks “this is sort of God’s way – this is nature’s way of saying women should be at home with the kids. They’re happier there!” Even worse, he told a female Fox News contributor, “You just said you’re single, you don’t have a boyfriend. You’re what, you’re celibate…Look, you’re miserable. You would be so much happier with kids around you tonight. Imagine coming home, ‘Mommy’s home!’”
He has also said that “Equality is a myth,” and “Women are not as strong as men. They can’t even hold their booze as well.”
But now, McInnes thinks women should be drafted, not because they are equal but because they have it too easy.
MCINNES: They want equality for everything fun. They want to be equal in movies and desserts and parties. How about you’re equal in sanitation? How about you have to go down into the sewers and remove rat kings from blocked pipes? How about you go to war…
...Equality sucks. By every metric, men have it worse off. We’re more likely to get raped, if you include prison. We’re more likely to be assaulted, we’re more likely to die, we’re more likely to commit suicide.
Raw Story notes:
While it’s true that more men are raped in prison because the U.S. inmate population is overwhelmingly male, women are more likely to be sexually assaulted by both prison staff and other inmates than men.
A 2014 Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that “[b]etween 2009 and 2011, females represented about 7% of all state and federal prison inmates, but accounted for 22% of inmate-on-inmate victims and 33% of staff-on-inmate victims.”
By the way, it’s not just women McInnes hates on. He has smeared the poor, too:
MCINNES: Have you seen the poor? They’re gigantic. They’re overfed. There’s enough food and enough clothes in America. We’re full. I’d love to meet (a hungry child). I can’t talk to them, they’re too big. They can’t get off their chair. …Have you ever seen a skinny, poor American child?
This model of tolerance has also smeared gays as “the least tolerant group in modern America. It’s almost like Sharia law here.”
Media Matters wrote about McInnes:
McInnes currrently writes for Taki’s Magazine, a “paleoconservative” website that publishes overtly racist articles including ones by neo-confederates. At Taki’s, McInnes has referred to Asian-Americans as “slopes” and “riceballs,” suggested Muslims are “stupider” and “more violent” due to inbreeding, defended blackface because some minstrel shows were “just mimicking black people” and “fun,” backed the racist comments of Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, and argued that to yell the n-word at someone is “not racist” but “just very rude.” He also owns his own website,, where he defended Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s racist comments because Bundy was just “wonder[ing]” if African-Americans were better off under slavery. In 2013, 18 Milling Rising gave him a “Lifetime Achievement Award in Hipster Racism,” a brand of racism marked by making “ironically” racist “jokes.”
Oh, and Gutfeld is a big fan of McInnes.
Watch McInnes’ latest misogyny below, from the February 6 The Greg Gutfeld Show, via Raw Story.
Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock saying that if a woman becomes pregnant as the result of a rape then “that’s something God intended.”
Missouri Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin who famously claimed that in a “legitimate rape” of a woman the female body “has ways” of naturally preventing pregnancy.
Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Tom Smith said that rape and having a child out of wedlock are “similar” and you have what can be called a pattern.
Idaho Republican state Sen. Chuck Winder suggested some women might not understand when they’ve been raped and then falsely use a claim of rape as an excuse to get an abortion.
For example, let’s assume you weigh 200 pounds, yet a female firefighter who weighs 120lbs was allowed entry to the fire company based on the need for women firefighters.
If you were intellectually honest, you would not want that smaller woman coming up a ladder to carry you to safety. A smaller man unable to carry the weight would not be allowed entry to the fire team, yet the need for diversity allows those not qualified entry just for diversity’s sake. That’s the liberal argument (and I am, actually, a liberal myself, but on this front I won’t tow the party bumper stickers for the reasons offered above).
Somehow, accepting the biological differences between men and women makes someone a right winger.
Look inward, Joe, before being so quick to commit our military (and your local firefighters…) to those allowed entry for the wrong reasons.
And I’m sure you’ll fire back some biting hate mail to me in 3… 2… 1… —
Given your alleged willingness to have a “mature conversation,” it’s hard to believe it when you offer up such a biased source as your “evidence.” (The article source doesn’t suggest any sort of “serious experiment,” by the way. It’s ONE MAN’s conclusion which doesn’t exactly explain his “research”—and the IDF strongly disputes his BOOK. Oh, yeah. The article is effectively some ex-military guy’s shilling a book.)
And you might want to remember Pat Tillman, before suggesting that women’s role in combat would somehow be “disheartening.” (Oh, also remember that some men aren’t really suited or suitable for combat roles, but they don’t really get that option, especially with a wartime draft.)
I am all for equality for men and women on any front where it makes sense, but I am not for any kind of equality simply for the sake of equality.
The Israelis did a serious experiment on women in combat and found many disheartening outcomes. Before you attack me, check out the link below.
I’m open to a mature conversation about women in combat and their role in the military. And that conversation should start with why we (the US) is even in a hot combat zone at all right now.
But I imagine I’ll draw more hate mail than serious introspection…
Then there’s the whole issue of this guy’s massive big mouth.
Of course, this is the type of bigoted vomit Republicans love to spew in the spirit of battling political correctness, eh. 👍
Does anybody watch Gutfeld’s show? It’s probably the worst show on Fox News though he’s got a lot of competition.