Instead of fighting crime in Milwaukee or dealing with deaths in his jail, Fox News’ favorite sheriff, right-wing David Clarke, is throwing racial insults at liberal Marc Lamont Hill.
As Mediate explains, the Trump-supporting Clarke took exception to Hill’s complaint about black people being used by Donald Trump. On CNN, Hill said to a member of Trump’s National Diversity Coalition, “Yeah, it was a bunch of mediocre Ne**os being dragged in front of TV as a photo-op for Donald Trump’s exploitative campaign against black people. And you are an example of that.”
So Clarke, the guy who has advocated violence against Trump protesters, stuck his nose into the matter. He tweeted, "I am tired of this j*****o telling black people who they should be, what they should do. He's a lackey for Democrats.
Hill hit back in one tweet and highlighted all the racial epithets he could have but didn't call Clarke in another.
So far, no word from Trump on this.
But one thing we do know is that Clarke's jurisdiction of Milwaukee could use more of Clarke's attention. The city has one of the highest crime rates in the country. Furthermore, there have been a string of concerning deaths, including a baby, in Clarke's jail. Last month, Clarke reportedly verbally abused and threatened the county's chief medical examiner for making public information on some of the deaths.
This is the kind of person Trump is or was considering for a high-level position in his administration.
Watch the January 16, 2017 CNN discussion with Hill that set off Clarke below.
4/17/18 update: Video is no longer available.