Sheriff David Clarke, the Milwaukee sheriff who seems to spend every free moment hate mongering on Fox News, made uninformed complaints that Albuquerque police did not “take the gloves off” and start “delivering force” to the anti-Trump protesters who got violent earlier this week.
First of all, let’s get real about what actually happened in Albuquerque. Yes, the protests turned violent and out of control and I in no way endorse that behavior. But this was not a riot. This was some bottle and rock throwing and fires lit by “scores” of people (i.e. probably no more than 100), not thousands, localized to the event. Furthermore, much of the protest was peaceful.
But Clarke made it sound as though he wished the police had beat the living daylights out of each and every protester: As “LEFT-WING AGITATORS” blared in red on the lower third, Clarke said the following:
CLARKE: The only thing they understand is force… These officers are under assault… These officers need to be allowed to take the gloves off and to take an offensive posture and become the aggressor and delivering force to – first of all protect life and property – and also defend themselves.
Clarke also said he’s “tired” of officers being told to “hold the line” or “bend but don’t break.”
The other guest, Bo Dietl, was already on record as saying he thinks law enforcement worries too much about people’s rights in this country.
Guest host Eric Bolling piled on to make it a totally fair and balanced panel of three people with the same authoritarian views. Referring to the night before when he was on the air during the protests, Bolling said, “We kept saying, ‘Why didn’t they throw some tear gas in there? Where are the water cannons? Where are the bean bags?'”
Of course, if Bolling really wanted to know, instead of just spouting inflammatory rhetoric, he could have hosted someone in a position to answer those questions. But it was clear neither of his two guests had any idea why the Albuquerque police handled the troubles the way they did. One thing is certain, it’s not because they’re pandering wussies: Albuquerque police have long been under fire for their brutality and unnecessary deadly force. In fact, they have the highest rate of fatal shootings by police in the United States, eight times that of the police in New York City and nearly double that of Chicago’s police department.
But Bolling went on to ask Clarke, “Why wasn’t there a police chief there telling these guys to make some arrests? They were pushing the crowd back slowly. No one got arrested!”
In reality, four people got arrested and 12 more were detained, but either these blowhards didn’t bother to check the facts or they chose to lie.
“Because they’re skittish and they’re afraid,” Clarke lectured, “and I would say that if you’re not gonna allow officers to become the aggressor once the rioting starts, then don’t put them in this situation.”
Then Bolling just happened to echo Trump in criticizing Governor Susana Martinez who, along with her lieutenant governor and the Republican mayor of Albuquerque, snubbed the event.
BOLLING: Where was the governor? Why didn’t the governor send some more manpower?
“You have to show up in force with a message to these punks we are ready to deliver force as soon as you get out of line,” Clarke chimed in, “and that’s not the instructions they’re getting and that’s not the liberty that they’re getting in these situations.”
Not surprisingly, nobody challenged a word Clarke said. Even worse, nobody mentioned that his own record casts doubt on his authority. Despite all his tough talk, Milwaukee is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Furthermore, Clarke was removed from controlling a jail in his own jurisdiction because of his harsh treatment of prisoners.
But it’s quite likely that harsh treatment is just what Fox thinks is so great about this guy. Last month, he also advocated violence against anti-Trump protesters. Instead of discrediting him on Fox, this kind of talk has apparently endeared him.
Watch it below, from the May 25 Hannity.
Clarke also said he’s “tired” of officers being told to “hold the line” or “bend but don’t break.”
You tell ’em, Davy! If only police were allowed to, I dunno — shoot unarmed persons of color then get little or no punishment, or something like that . . .
So maybe if anti-Trump protesters just strap on an AR 15, everything will be fine….., nahhh, never with these hypocritical assholes.
Whenever I hear the words “all they understand is force…” I know I’m listening to a speaker who only understands force and is aching for an excuse to exercise it liberally (no pun intended).
Yes, this protest got out of hand and police have a duty to maintain order, protect property, and support general public safety. Plus, they need to protect themselves from violence.
That said, this example in completely crap analysis – typical for ‘fair and balanced FOX – is not helpful in promoting effective police techniques. Not to mention this isn’t a diverse panel but 3 right-wingers venting. Not to mention it’s impossible for to take a total clown like Bo Dietl or an always angry a—wipe like David Clarke seriously. Not to mention, as Ellen points out, “LEFT-WING AGITATORS” on the screen is just more ridiculous FOX hyperventilation. How did crazy man Eric Bolling or his producers forget the flashing “NEWS ALERT”?
I don’t think anyone – including the right-wing fanboys glued to FOX News – are missing the point this is just agitprop to get the base foaming against liberalism and make Der Furor look rational and reasonable as he shouts his followers should punch people who disagree with him in the face.
Or drop him off in the middle of the Chicago Democratic Convention protesters in the summer of 1968.
Or drop him off at Kent State University in the spring of 1970.
You know—sites where the protesters weren’t really being “violent,” just “disruptive” or “unruly,” according to the authorities.