Fox News anchor Sandra Smith gave a not-so-subtle hint to Team Trump when she “asked” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel whether attacking Joe Biden’s family is “a message that the president should keep hitting on five days from Election Day, or is it better to use his energy focusing in other areas?”
Just four days after McDaniel could not come up with any evidence of Biden wrongdoing on Fox News Sunday, she didn’t provide any here. “I do think the American public are concerned,” she claimed, before running through a lot of what she posed as important unanswered questions.
Then, she attacked the media: “I think what’s even more concerning though, Sandra, is the media silence around this. We just saw yesterday CNN has a contributor who lied on air [Miles Taylor] who was given all type of media around [his] Anonymous book, without it being verified, who had no access to the president, and then they shut down a story about Joe Biden.
By the way, Ronna, if you care so much about lying on the air, you might want to take a look at Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity or your favorite p***y grabbing presidential candidate, Donald Trump.
McDaniel went on and on defending the importance of "Hunterghazi." Mind you, – a Fox fave legal expert, Jonathan Turley, demolished the “scandal” on Fox & Friends yesterday. And the coronavirus pandemic is surging to catastrophic heights – while Trump holds superspreader events and claims we’re “rounding the corner.”
Not that Smith challenged McDaniel with any of that.
“It is so hypocritical," McDaniel continued, "and I think the public is saying, ‘This is scary. This is a step to socialism. Are we losing a free and fair press?’ We’re worried about the state of our media in this country right now and it is resonating with voters.”
Smith asked another pointed question. “So, do you expect the media coverage of that story to change in the coming days, considering we are just five days out?”
“No, I don’t,” McDaniel replied.
But McDaniel remained on the same path. She complained about "frightening" censorship of the "scandal" on Twitter. “And then you have a candidate for president who hides in his basement and refuses to answer questions,” she accused. She next went on a “Joe Biden wants to lead us toward socialism” jag before ending with “a free and fair press is gone right now in this country if they are refusing to report or investigate or even ask tough questions of a presidential candidate.”
As if exposure on Fox News, the number one cable news channel, counts for nothing. Smith didn’t mention it. But she did go on to site polling in Pennsylvania as well as just-announced Fox ratings changes for Wisconsin, Georgia and Minnesota, all in Biden’s favor, and asked for comments about “the state of the race” with only five days to go before Election Day.
McDaniel claimed that Trump is winning with early voting “day after day after day” and that “momentum is on his side.”
That is false and Smith clearly knew that, given her questions for McDaniel. But she didn’t challenge a word.
Don’t get me wrong. Trump can still win. As I wrote in my last post, if you have not already voted, at this point you should vote in person or put your ballot in a drop box. You can find instructions for voting, early voting deadlines, what you’ll need, for every state, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories, at Vote Save America. And whether you’ve already voted or not, volunteer to get out more votes here.
Make sure you don’t wake up Wednesday morning wishing you had done more to boot Trump out of the White House!
Meanwhile, you can watch Smith pointedly suggest that “Hunterghazi” is not a winning strategy for Team Trump below, from the October 29, 2020 America’s Newsroom.