FBN’s Trish Regan gave a friendly welcome to an Islamophobic gun-range owner who has banned Muslims from her private gun range and who declared “This is not an issue of religious discrimination, this is an issue of public safety.”
Guest Jan Morgan’s online screed against Muslims ought to have given any news anchor at least some doubts about her credibility, but not Regan! For example, Morgan justifies her religious discrimination by saying, “I view Islam as a theocracy/terrorist organization, not a religion. …The US Constitution does not protect a theocracy.”
Regan acted as if Morgan’s Islamophobia made her even more credible. In a segment about protecting yourself from drones, Regan introduced Morgan by calling her “a Second Amendment advocate who made headlines herself when she banned Muslims from shooting at her private gun range.”
“What should people know about their own rights when it comes to shooting down something mysterious that’s hovering over their own property?” Regan asked.
Why, the answer is, you should first sneer at the Obama administration.
“Well, according to Vice President Joe Biden,” Morgan began sarcastically, “If you are concerned and fear for your safety regarding home defense, you should walk out on your back porch or your balcony with a double-barrel shotgun and fire a few shots in the air. If the vice president says it’s OK, surely there is nothing wrong with it, right?”
They also discussed a Florida gun shop owner who is being sued by the Council on American-Islamic Relations for refusing to sell to Muslims. B-roll footage showed a man, presumably the shop owner, standing in front of a Confederate flag.
Regan asked Morgan, “Are you worried about similar, copycat suits? I mean, aren’t you vulnerable? Aren’t you exposed to similar stuff?”
“No,” Morgan claimed. “I’m a private club and private clubs are not subject to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and secondly, “this is not an issue of religious discrimination, this is an issue of public safety.” She further argued that all federally licensed facilities are granted discretion as to whom they engage with regarding firearms.
Then it was time for some fear mongering about ISIS!
Regan said sympathetically, “You were very concerned, I mean you told me that law enforcement, FBI officials came to you and said you could be a target. You could be vulnerable.”
“Not that I could be but that I was,” Morgan replied. “The FBI counterterrorism unit sent two agents to meet with me personally and both of them told me because of what I am doing politically regarding the Islamization of this country - I’ve been talking about Islam for five years. They told me, ‘We expect you to be a target, that ISIS is in your state and you need to do everything possible to protect yourself and anyone who’s in your immediate vicinity.’”
What!? ISIS is in Arkansas? Surely Regan would follow up on such important information? No, she did not.
Regan responded, “You’re a business owner. You’ve got a couple choices, you can either just shut down altogether or you can take measures to try and protect yourself. It does leave you, and I know you are saying you’re a private club, in a little bit of an exposed gray zone.”
Morgan then offered this jaw-dropping bit of “insight”:
MORGAN: If you look at my article, it said why I want my range to be a Muslim-free zone. There’s no way to clearly tell if someone’s a Muslim.
Even if someone walks in my range and says, “I’m a Muslim, are you gonna let me shoot here?” Well, I’m gonna tell him, no I’m not gonna let you shoot here but not because you said you’re a Muslim. I have no way of knowing for sure, but what I do know is that you walked in here with an agenda and that agenda is to disturb the peace.
Watch this Muslim fear mongering from the FOX Business Network’s The Intelligence Report from August 3.
“Gunt” is an invented word I just came up with. It *could be a workaround for a derogatory word for women based on a certain part of the female anatomy BUT it could also be a contraction for “gun nut.” Take it however you like.
Meanwhile I watched PBS News Hour today. You know, those oh-so-biased Communists Fox News warns us withhold the truth. Well, PBS News Hour tonight covered Baltimore and the rising murder rate. They also covered a fact that somehow never found life in the GOP TV propaganda factory: Other cities have the same problem. They interviewed the police chiefs of Milwaukee and St. Louis and guess what they first mention as a problem: Lax gun laws. They also mentioned social ills needing intervention. Not just the standard GOP vomit Fox spews. And despite Fox News baloney they’re the only ones discussing it, PBS discussed the affects of greater scrutiny on the police.
Point being Fox News is mostly about feeding angry white conservatives fear porn. Fear the black man. Fear the Muslim. Fox News also worships anyone who carries a gun. Apparently as long as they aren’t Muslim. Fox would probably prefer they aren’t black either unless in uniform.
I get Christmas off. 2 days actually. Almost everyone gets Christmas off. Fox News tells me there’s a culture war on it. Seriously? Ramadan? Hanukkah? Forget-about-it. Yet, where’s Fox News saying there’s a culture war on Jews and Muslims?
I guess you heard about the right-wing Texas town trying to stop a Muslim cemetery? Well, maybe not if you watch the fierce defenders of the 1st Amendment on Fox News.
So Fox News is all about rights. 1st Amendment. 2nd Amendment. Always screaming about the Constitution. Mostly whites on Fox News doing the screaming. Mostly talking about rights only for the whites. Christian whites.
Oh, the tie-in to business other than Fox News’ usual political monkey business you asked about? The Islamophobe is a business owner – cha-ching! Apparently Fox News has never watched Bloomberg to see what real business news used by real investors looks like.