I no sooner finished posting “Eric Bolling’s Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds” when I learned that Rep. Allen West would be appearing on the curvy couch with the curvaceous Fox and Friends. Because nothing gets ratings more than a controversy, and because Bob Beckel is a regular punching bag on The Five, right off the mark the Foxy Friends played some of Beckel’s comments and asked Rep. West to respond. West demanded an apology from Beckel for not calling him “Representative.” If Beckel apologizes to West, will Bolling apologize for calling the President of the United States of America “Barry”? Stay tuned.
Updated with video.
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about Eric Bolling’s Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds; The Sequel
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2012-01-31 16:31:29 -0500
Rep. Allen West refuses to apologize for his hateful remarks - plays the victim instead.