Another day, another set of allegations that Bill O’Reilly has not been truthful, according to his former news colleagues. Today’s allegations come via The Guardian and pertain to O’Reilly’s claims about being attacked by protesters during riots in Los Angeles in 1992.
From The Guardian:
Six people who covered the riots with O’Reilly in California for Inside Edition told the Guardian they did not recall an incident in which, as O’Reilly has claimed, “concrete was raining down on us” and “we were attacked by protesters”.
Several members of the team suggested that O’Reilly may instead be overstating a fracas involving one disgruntled Los Angeles resident, who smashed one of their cameras with a piece of rubble.
Two of the team said the man was angered specifically by O’Reilly behaving disrespectfully after arriving at the smoking remains of his neighbourhood in a limousine, whose driver at one point began polishing the vehicle. O’Reilly is said to have shouted at the man and asked him: “Don’t you know who I am?”
The entire article is a fascinating insight into O’Reilly’s boorish behavior and how little respect his colleagues hold for him.
According to The Guardian, Fox refused to answer questions about O'Reilly's recollection of the riots, calling the claims “nothing more than an orchestrated campaign by far left advocates”.
(H/T Media Matters)
photo credit: Bill O’Reilly - Caricature via photopin (license)
The overall impact of this on his reputation doesn’t really change anything. It just continues to frustrate his dream of becoming a respected elder statesman rather than a pundit who made himself rich by exploiting people’s baser instincts. And this is yet another piece of evidence of how hypocritical Fox News truly is.
“Maybe it was a nun with a gun that threw the concrete at Bill.”
Actually w d, there’s PLENTY of irrefutable “concrete” evidence out there that proves conclusively that he’s nothing but a PERENNIALLY SPOILED AND PAMPERED PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!
Man, it must just KILL O’Reilly that he didn’t become a Hollywood movie producer who could sexually harass employees (Mackris) and get away with it.
BOR on one of his typical ego trips.
And BOR arrived to the burned-out neighborhood in a chauffeur driven limousine?! If true, how elitist of him. LOL!
“A spokeswoman for Fox News declined to respond to detailed questions about O’Reilly’s recollections of the Los Angeles riots” but said that this is “nothing more than an orchestrated campaign by far left advocates”.
Sorry, spokeswoman, but, just because the questions come from an organization on the left, it does not mean that the questions aren’t valid. Nor does it mean that BOR is exempt from answering to them. BOR has shown to be a bragging exaggerator at the very least and/or, at the worst, a journalist who deliberately lied about actual news events in order to build himself up. Either way, neither one reflects very well on your prime time cash cow, FOX “news”.
It’s about time I heard that out of his mouth. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.
If a mouthpiece was involved in a DUI, and they killed a person in a traffic accident, these foolish suits would allow the mouthpieces to continue their shows.
These third-rate senior producers and producers are useless and incompetent. They wouldn’t know how to run an ice machine.