David R Woods commented on Fox’s Bill Hemmer Offers Campaign Suggestions To Mitt Romney Re His Faith
2012-06-03 20:46:51 -0400
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exactly how many pair of winkwink holy underwear do you get do they come in a pack of 3 6 12 does the church sell them or can you buy them at the store and then they get the treatment what happens when they are worn out do you throw them away or do they get burned buried or saved do they come in assorted colors or is white your option and just how do you know the pair you have on is really magic……..
David R Woods commented on Fox Guest Says Raising Minimum Wage Would "Disproportionately Harm" Black Workers
2012-05-29 13:49:06 -0400
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AP,,you aint WRONG……..
David R Woods commented on To Gretchen Carlson, More Minority Babies Means More Single Mothers And More Poverty
2012-05-20 23:30:27 -0400
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one day it’s got to happen fox asking the question WHY dont MORE white women want to have white mens babies and what are the laws that can make that happen……..
David R Woods commented on Ed Klein Suggests Obama’s A Muslim Then Admits To Having Used Dishonest Tactics In Rev. Wright Interview
2012-05-18 18:00:27 -0400
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IF Obama is a muslim wouldnt he be the WORST muslim in the world,you CANT be BORN muslim you HAVE to WORK at it…..
David R Woods commented on Fox’s Kimberly Guilfoyle: Romney Needs To Stand Up For America – And Use Rev. Wright To Smear Obama
2012-05-18 17:52:56 -0400
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surly if EVER there was an American who had the RIGHT to speak his mind it would be the ex Marine aka Rev Wright he even nursed LBJ.what makes this preacher SOOOooo different from any other sunday morning mc who thinks god/america have this SPECIAL arrangement……
David R Woods commented on If You’re Reading This, Bill O’Reilly Probably Thinks You’re Despicable
2012-05-11 20:02:15 -0400
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to ALL former bushCRIMEfamily supporters now gNOpt Obama MUST fail supporters,you NEED to sit down and S T F U.you’ve been UNamerican for way TOO long…….
David R Woods commented on Mitt Romney Already The Nominee On Fox News Sunday
2012-04-01 23:13:02 -0400
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THANK YOU gNOtp for giving Obama 4 more years……..
David R Woods commented on Fox & Friends' Not-So-Subliminal Message To Vote Republican
2012-04-01 22:59:53 -0400
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could it be that 90% of black folks DID think for themselves and came to the conclusion that mcbush/palin S U C K E D…….
David R Woods commented on More Defense Spending! Less For Everything Else!
2012-01-09 18:16:41 -0500
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NO amount of money can keep a gNOp COWARD feeling safe…….
David R Woods commented on Chris Wallace Lets His Bias Show As He Ridiculously Compares Mitt Romney’s Role At Bain Capital To President Obama And Solyndra
2012-01-09 18:11:37 -0500
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it was my understanding that China UNDERcut Solyndra with CHEAP labor,that’s right in willards ballpark….fox=UNamerican…….
David R Woods commented on Fox Trying To Make Obama An Elitist And Romney A Populist
2012-01-09 18:00:39 -0500
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willard sez “I was born a poor black child”…….