Is there anything ex-carny, Christian comedian Brad Stine can not blame on those evil libruls who are trying to tear down the country? So far it seems not. Every Monday Fox and Friends finds some obscure story for Stine to run roughshod over and turn into the burning political issue of the day. There is no better example of this than this week’s Weekly Stine™ on Fox “News,” where he turned a playground spat over ice cream vendors that began on a blog and elevated into news by the New York Post, into a Liberal failure and undeniable proof of why Conservatives make better parents for a national so-called "news" network morning show. No, really!
Watch the video below the jump to see what a big mouth Brad Stine really has, and I'm not talking about what comes out, but what goes in.
As for what Stine can or can’t shove in his mouth, depending on WHAT it is, it might not be legal for him to do it in a public park. Given Stine’s “conservative bent,” I wouldn’t be surprised if he indulged in the “not legal” shoving. (Not saying the man’s got a wide stance or anything, but……..)