In honor of Memorial Day, Fox News Sunday conducted an interview with "America's veteran," former Senator and former presidential candidate Bob Dole. Interestingly, host Chris Wallace led Dole right into his criticisms of today's Republican party. And at the beginning of the segment, surely recorded after Wallace knew what Dole had said, Wallace said Dole is "as perceptive" as ever.
After discussing the dysfunction in Washington, the discussion turned to the state of the GOP.
WALLACE: What do you think of your party, of the Republicans today?
DOLE: I think they ought to put a sign on the national committee doors: “closed for repairs” until New Year’s Day next year — and spend that time going over ideas and positive agendas.
WALLACE: You describe the GOP of your generation as Eisenhower Republicans, moderate Republicans. Could people like Bob Dole, even Ronald Reagan — could you make it in today’s Republican Party.
DOLE: I doubt it. Reagan couldn’t have made it. Certainly Nixon couldn’t have made it, cause he had ideas. We might have made it, but I doubt it.
“The Republican Party and the TEA Party are dominated and controlled by Christian Reconstructionists called Dominionists. They are theocrats who wish to replace our American Republic with a Christian fascist state. For the past 30 years they have sought to legislate Old Testament Levitical Law, more commonly called Biblical Law, as the law of the land.”
And the truly ironic thing about this is these are the SAME people who raise the biggest fuss over the prospect of “Shariah law” and they are just too fucking blind to see how their desires are NO different from all those “evil Muslims” trying to take over the country.
Carter…See No Evil
Ford…Hear No Evil