Poor Bob Beckel. He's long been the metaphorical Fox News punching bag, especially on The Five, but when co-host Eric Bolling literally hit him in the arm, he didn't like it. He said, "You know, you do that one more time, you’re fucking (sounded like he was going to say 'toast')." You can hear the hosts gasp in the video. Bolling apologized.
Frankly, I don't blame Beckel. I'd be PO'd if someone hit me on the air, too. But this is the second time he's dropped the f-word on live television. Get ready for a new round of jokes at his expense.
Video below via HuffPost.
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Antoinette commented
2012-08-15 00:36:15 -0400
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Working at this fraudulent “news” outlet will make any person curse.
Nixon-trainee Roger Ailes curses. So does Billy, Handout Hannocchio, and the rest of the on-air frauds.
Fox “News” Channel is a curse.
Nixon-trainee Roger Ailes curses. So does Billy, Handout Hannocchio, and the rest of the on-air frauds.
Fox “News” Channel is a curse.
Aria Prescott commented
2012-08-14 22:06:22 -0400
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Same here, Headly… expletives are unprofessional, but it’s a lot better than commentators from both sides looking for excuses to show graphic violence and play expletive clips of whorish celebrities.
I wouldn’t like it if it was spouted at an Andrew Dice Clay or 80’s era Dennis Leary skit, but people are gonna slip and say those words.
I wouldn’t like it if it was spouted at an Andrew Dice Clay or 80’s era Dennis Leary skit, but people are gonna slip and say those words.
Headly Westerfield commented
2012-08-14 21:07:48 -0400
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BTW: I have no problem with people dropping expletives on tee vee. I’d much rather hear that than see some of the violence on tee vee or the sleazy innuendo of a program like 3 and 1/2 men.
With all my fucking,
With all my fucking,
Elizabeth Stoll commented
2012-08-14 20:55:05 -0400
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Take him off the air for a month! Perhaps that would help him remember before he drops the F-bomb. I found it crude, offensive, and sophomoric, I don’t turn it on to hear swearing. Grow up Bob.
Headly Westerfield commented
2012-08-14 19:14:03 -0400
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This is not the first time Bully Boy Bolling has hit Bob Beckel in order to shut him up. And it is not the 2nd time he said “fuck.” It’s more than that. And, that’s not the only expletive he’s dropped, either.
Bob Beckel is a joke, as I have written at NewsHounds many times. He’s a hapless excuse for Fox “News” to claim that they have a Democrat on the show for faux Balance.
While I’m here, I’d like to invite people to read my latest two posts: The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ⺠Episode One ⺠http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-fox-news-spin-cycle-episode-one.html followed 32 hours later by The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ⺠Episode Two ⺠http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-fox-news-spin-cycle-episode-two_14.html
Those Mofos are nutz!!!
With all my snark,
Aunty Headly
Bob Beckel is a joke, as I have written at NewsHounds many times. He’s a hapless excuse for Fox “News” to claim that they have a Democrat on the show for faux Balance.
While I’m here, I’d like to invite people to read my latest two posts: The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ⺠Episode One ⺠http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-fox-news-spin-cycle-episode-one.html followed 32 hours later by The Fox “News” Spin Cycle ⺠Episode Two ⺠http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-fox-news-spin-cycle-episode-two_14.html
Those Mofos are nutz!!!
With all my snark,
Aunty Headly
Aria Prescott commented
2012-08-14 18:47:01 -0400
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Someone tell Bolling to try apologizing without having that smirk on his face while admitting he hit him hard. It helps him look like he’s apologizing for a reason other than the producer told him to during commercials.
Rebekah Worsham commented
2012-08-14 18:44:54 -0400
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How is this moron with the horrifyingly bad dye job still on the air????
Bob Kluver commented
2012-08-14 18:15:47 -0400
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Dude, there is nobody out there who doesn’t watch Fox news. You kidding?