Tulsi Gabbard was so full of Republican talking points on Fox, you have to suspect the former Democratic presidential candidate is looking to become a paid contributor. At the very least, her spiel almost certainly guaranteed a prime time booking.
It’s been less than two years since then-Rep. Gabbard dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary and backed Joe Biden. But you’d never know it from her anti-Democratic, pro-Republican comments yesterday.
First, she blasted Biden’s Build Back Better bill as well as his handling of the inflation and the supply chain problems. Host Neil Cavuto fed her the opening: “The president appears caught flat footed here. What do you make of it?”
GABBARD: Their answer to this crisis that everyday Americans are facing across the country is to pass this massive, multi-trillion dollar bill, but the reality is that this bill is only going to make the problem worse. Our government is already too powerful, it is already too bloated, and what this bill is going to do is make inflation worse, it’s going to increase the national debt, it’s gonna make things harder for small businesses, and ultimately it’s going to make people more dependent on a government that already is encroaching too much in almost every part of our lives.
In fact, seventeen Nobel Prize winners in economics have endorsed the Build Back Better plan. Not that anyone mentioned that.
Gabbard sounded downright Tucker Carlson-ish as she continued.
GABBARD: You’ll end up with a bunch of bureaucrats who are unaccountable to the American people making decisions about how our taxpayer dollars are spent. … Taxpayers, we end up paying them, for them actually taking away our autonomy and micromanaging us.
And she sounded absolutely thrilled that dishonest, racial dog-whistler Glenn Youngkin will be the next governor of Virginia. She described the election as “a positive indication of voters taking a stand and letting their voices be heard through the ballot box” and “a positive sign that [voters are] rejecting the kind of divisiveness, racialization of everything in this country, the fomenting of anger and hatred that unfortunately we’re seeing coming from so many of my fellow Democrats.” She said voters “want to choose an optimistic future, a hopeful future.”
Yet, for someone so ostensibly concerned about divisiveness, she didn’t say a word Rep. Paul Gosar’s recent tweet of an anime video showing himself killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Nor did it seem to bother Gabbard that for months, and up until he was the GOP nominee, Youngkin refused to disavow the Big Lie that led to the January 6th insurrection. Talk about divisive!
But Gabbard accused Biden of “tearing our country apart rather than working to bring us together, to find our way forward and have respectful dialogue, even as we may have disagreements or differences on different issues, but come together as Americans.”
President Biden was speaking about the infrastructure bill and his Build Back Better plan while Gabbard’s interview was going on. But Fox delayed going to him and stayed with Gabbard. If Trump or a Republican was president, you know Fox would have interrupted the discussion to cover the remarks, rather than using the moment to tear Biden apart beforehand.
You can watch it below, from the November 10, 2021 Your World.
Gabbard doesn’t seem to care which side she’ll be on so long as she gets a cushy seat in Congress. No principles makes the perfect GOPer.