Monica Crowley Cheers Gov. Jan Brewer “Getting Up In The President’s Grill”
Just a few months after Monica Crowley announced to Fox News viewers that Americans are sick of attack politics, she cheered on Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer for “getting up in the president’s grill.” Not only that, Crowley was so eager to attack President Obama last night as she guest-hosted on Hannity, she threw truth, facts and fairness and balance out the window.
Read moreHannity Helps Promote Gingrich’s “Food Stamp President” Attack On Obama
Leave it to Sean Hannity to pick up and run with a racially-tinged attack on President Obama. The same guy who relentlessly promoted Donald Trump’s birther conspiracy theory, who has repeatedly tried to paint President Obama as some kind of black radical, who openly supported Glenn Beck’s infamous accusation that Obama is a black racist and the guy who formerly palled around with a white supremacist – that Sean Hannity made a point of amplifying and promoting Newt Gingrich’s “food stamp president” attack.
Read moreWhy Did Fox News Give John Boehner A Pass For Not Wearing A Flag Pin At SOTU?
Did you notice that many Republicans didn’t seem to be wearing flag pins during the State of the Union address? Most notably missing was John Boehner’s. Addicting info has a nice still shot that shows it either blends in with his suit or it’s clearly missing. Note that on Fox News’ article, they used a picture that shows the area covered by his hand. This brings up an interesting point- given Fox News’ past obsession with the flag pin, how big a deal would this be if Boehner was a Democrat? Let’s review.
Read moreDemocrat Joe Trippi Helps Enable Fox News’ Pelosi Freakout
Predictably, Fox News’ attacks on Nancy Pelosi for supposedly having secret information about why Newt Gingrich will not be president (when it’s pretty much a no brainer to most of us) continued on prime time last night. On The Record devoted an entire segment to the attack issue with Fox News’ Democratic contributor, Joe Trippi. Sadly, Trippi ignored the possibility that when Pelosi said she “knew” Gingrich would not be president, she was stating the obvious and he joined with host Greta Van Susteren, saying that if Pelosi had damaging information she ought to come right out with it. Yet Trippi somehow ignored the blatant Fox News hypocrisy going on under his nose: Nobody seems to care about the secret information Donald Trump has from that big Hawaii investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate (about which he crowed his investigators “cannot believe what they’re finding”).
Read moreFox News’ Latest Excuse To Promote Donald Trump’s Phony Presidential Candidacy – His Daughter Wants Him To Run
Can anybody explain to me why Fox News keeps promoting Donald Trump’s phony presidential candidacy? It can’t be any clearer that he won’t run and even if he did, it’s almost certain he wouldn’t win. Yet Fox News trots him out day after day, ignoring Trump’s glaring lack of credibility, in order to promote his phony presidential candidacy. The only reason I can think of for Trump’s popularity on Fox News is that he attacks President Obama in colorful ways. Whatever the motive, such matters as truth and honesty have taken a back seat. In this latest excuse to pretend Trump might run, Greta Van Susteren gushed over a comment made by Trump’s daughter saying she hopes he runs because he’d be “phenomenal” and Trump’s teasing/self-aggrandizing response, “Maybe I should listen.”
Read moreFormer Fox News Reporter Greg Kelly Accused Of Rape
Fox News’ former White House correspondent and Fox & Friends weekend host, Greg Kelly, currently the host of Fox Television’s Good Day New York – and the son of New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly – has been accused of rape and is being investigated by the Manhattan district attorney’s office. (H/T Mediaite)
Read moreFox News Helps Promote Gingrich's Saul Alinsky Bogeyman
Fox News reporter Ed Henry followed quickly in Newt Gingrich’s footsteps by linking President Obama with radical community organizer Saul Alinsky - and then went Gingrich one further by speculating on White House interior decor. The inflammatory question was then picked up and amplified by Fox Nation.
Read moreGoolsbee Schools Cavuto On Warren Buffett Rule
Austan Goolsbee, formerly on the President's Council of Economic Advisors, appeared on Your World yesterday to discuss Warren Buffet's secretary sitting with the First Lady at the State of the Union address.
Read moreRIP Nancy Anton
With sorrow I announce the death of Nancy Anton, an original and founding member of the News Hounds. For most of the time I knew her, starting in early 2004, she suffered from serious health problems. Those problems prevented her from participating in the blog several years ago. But she was an important force in the blog whose presence was felt long after she retired from it.
Read moreFox News’ Nancy Pelosi Freak-Out
Nancy Pelosi went on CNN yesterday and said she “knows" Newt Gingrich will never become president. It’s kind of a no-brainer for most people, including conservatives like Ann Coulter. But when Pelosi said it, Fox jumped on it to accuse her of “threaten(ing)” Gingrich with some secret information she had. Later, when Pelosi said she had no secret information, Fox accused her of lying.
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