Is Fox News Contributor Sandy Rios Anti-Semitic?
It's bad enough that Fox News occasionally interviews the far right and unhinged Catholic League head Bill Donohue, given Donohue's anti-Semitic comment about how Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity and who like anal sex. But they now employ, as a contributor, Sandy Rios who is also employed by the American Family Association, an SPLC designated hate group, whose founder, Don Wildmon, has said that obscene content on television is due to the media being controlled by Jews. Rios is now hosting her own show on American Family radio where she said some things that could be construed as anti-Semitic. It's interesting - the liberals on Fox are not exactly far left Code Pink types. But Sandy Rios is about as far right as you can get. I suspect that any liberal, who said that the Jews are "enemies of America," would not earn a spot as a Fox contributor!
Read moreHannity Suggests Obama Is Muslim While Denying Anyone On Fox Ever Said So
Sean Hannity once again feigned innocence last night as he insisted that no Fox News hosts had ever said Barack Obama is Muslim. But, as I posted last week when Hannity made a similar claim, suggestions that Obama is Muslim have been made on Hannity's own show. Last night, Hannity made the same suggestion - right after he insisted no host ever said so. It was as if Hannity were saying, "We never called him a Muslim but you can't blame us if we did."
Read more"News" Anchor, Martha MacCallum, Whines About Free Birth Control As Sandy Rios Freaks Out About "Used -Up" Women
According to Fox News management, Martha MacCallum should be doing straight up news and not the kind of propaganda (whoops "opinion) done on Fox's morning and evening shows. While she does have guests who represent both sides of the issue, MacCallum's trademark comments, which support conservative positions, would seem to rebut the presumption that her show is "fair and balanced." But never mind "fair & balanced." When her guest is radical right wing Fox contributor, Sandy Rios, we go beyond the question of "fair & balanced" to insane. Such was the case on Monday when, during a segment about the HHS birth control mandate, Rios went beyond her usual level of incoherency. Not only did MacCallum think that was fine; but she managed to work in the Catholic bishops' talking point that "pregnancy is not a disease." Ah, don't ya love the smell of fair & balanced Fox "News" in the morning!
Read moreO’Reilly: Most Important Campaign Issue Is Welfare
Bill O’Reilly began his Talking Points segment last night by saying that the presidential campaign has “spent a lot of time on things that don’t really matter.” O’Reilly cited contraception and President Obama’s religion as examples. But then he got to the “very important and, I think, a dangerous situation.” So what is that most important and dangerous situation? Welfare slackers. Or, as O’Reilly put it, “millions of Americans who want free stuff from the government.” He counted reproductive rights activist Sandra Fluke in that group and made another effort to smear her as a slut.
Read moreO’Reilly Edits Out Racial Aspects Of Trayvon Martin Case
Bill O’Reilly finally got around to discussing the racially-charged Trayvon Martin shooting - but he somehow left out the racial component! To listen to O’Reilly and his guests tell it, the case was only about vigilante justice gone wrong. Racial stereotyping, the relationship between African American communities and the police and Florida’s “stand your ground” law which has a liberal standard for justifiable homicide are integral parts of the tragedy that has caught the nation’s attention in a red-hot controversy. That is, those in the nation who don’t watch Fox. And, funny, but O’Reilly questioned whether or not African-American Martin had any criminal record but not his white or Hispanic killer.
Read moreCavuto Suggests It’s Time For Gingrich To Drop Out Of The Campaign
Memo to Newt Gingrich: When Fox News hosts start suggesting it’s time to leave the presidential race, you’ve probably got no chance of winning. That’s doubly true when they start attacking one of your campaign hallmarks. Both of those things happened with Neil Cavuto on Your World last week after Gingrich lost the Alabama and Mississippi Republican primaries.
Read moreInstead of Trayvon Martin, Bill O'Reilly Aired Segment On Welfare Kings
While the rest of the country remained roiled over the shooting death of an unarmed teenager named Trayvon Martin, Bill O'Reilly - like Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren - ignored the controversy. That's three hours of Fox News prime time without a single discussion of one of the hottest topics of the day. But O'Reilly did find time for a segment on welfare kings. "I'd put him in jail," O'Reilly intoned about one of the men, even though no laws had been demonstrated to have been broken.
Read moreFox News Ignores Rick Santorum's Bigoted Preacher Pal?
Who could forget Fox's coverage of the 2008 presidential race - those halcyon days when Fox "News" advanced the meme that Barack Obama, as articulated by Sarah Palin, "palled around with terrorists" and was a member of a radical church headed by a scary black man? Fox theologian, Sean Hannity, did a number of segments about how Obama's friend and spiritual mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, espoused "black liberation theology" which, according to Hannity, seeks to destroy white America as we know it. Of course, Wright was a well respected pastor in the United Church of Christ - a predominately white - but (and this is important) - liberal church. Fox "News" has continued to show skepticism towards Obama in matters of faith. His not having chosen a church was a source of some commentary, including a homily by Fox priest, Fr. Jonathan Morris. So given Fox's animosity towards our president, especially in matters of faith, can you imagine the outcry if he attended a service given by a pastor who preached that all Christians need to leave the country. But wait, Rick Santorum just appeared at a service given by Dennis Terry of the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, a man whose bigotry, regarding those who do not worship Jesus, is front and center. Got hypocrisy?
Read moreHannity Ignores Trayvon Martin Case In Favor Of Attacking Michelle Obama For Going On David Letterman
Although Sean Hannity once spent three nights discussing an unknown bookstore owner who said that whites should be exterminated, and he claims to “care deeply” about race, no time of the Hannity show last night was spent discussing the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida. Instead, the top story was an attack on Michelle Obama for appearing on David Letterman. Why? Because Letterman has made misogynistic comments about Sarah Palin. Meanwhile, Hannity continues to avoid explaining why he pals around with Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a guy who “thank(s) God for slavery” and thinks most women are “little whores.”
Read moreDick Morris Reprimanded For Auctioning Off Fox News Tour
At a recent Republican fundraiser in Florida, Fox News contributor Dick Morris earned an additional $6,000 for the local Republicans by auctioning off a tour of Fox News, with himself as tour guide. Unfortunately for whoever made the winning bid, the tour will not happen, Morris has been reprimanded by Fox and has reportedly "profusely apologized" for his lapse in judgment.
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