Dadeo commented on Fox’s Dana Perino Slaps Down Trump’s ‘Rigged Polls’ Claim
2016-08-19 14:22:38 -0400
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PERINO: “They want me to say something positive all the time, they want me to say that things are looking up, that things are gonna be great.”
The “they” she is talking about are her Faux Snooze bosses.
The “they” she is talking about are her Faux Snooze bosses.
Dadeo commented on Fox Ditches Ailes’ ‘Black Room’ Private Investigator Bo Dietl – And He’s Threatening To Sue Reporter Gabriel Sherman
2016-08-19 06:05:06 -0400
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…and in the end your a bought and paid for phony tough guy.
Dadeo commented on Bill O’Reilly Likens George Soros To David Duke
2016-08-18 12:01:49 -0400
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This from the man who offers to help his then wife and mother of his child down the stairs, by her hair. Andrea laughs at you every day as she goes to the bank.
Dadeo commented on Roger Ailes Now Officially Advising Donald Trump
2016-08-17 15:34:10 -0400
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Who’s next, the Coz.
Dadeo commented on Fox News Talent Have Reportedly Worked As Smear Merchants For Roger Ailes
2016-08-07 22:17:01 -0400
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O’Reillys wondering if he can turn in the money he had to pay to Andrea Mackris on his Faux expense account.
Dadeo commented on Fr. Jonathan Morris Attacks Tim Kaine On Religious Grounds!
2016-08-07 22:01:03 -0400
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The Faux Father left the studios and ran directly to confession.
Dadeo commented on Fox News On Cleanup Duty In Trump Aisle ‘Purple Heart”
2016-08-03 19:22:07 -0400
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I wonder how Jenna explained her meetings with Roger to her Seal husband.
Dadeo commented on O’Reilly: ‘I Don’t Think Trump Meant Any Malice’ When He Smeared Khizr And Ghazala Khan
2016-08-02 13:32:15 -0400
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The poor Donald seems constipated. Maybe if Billdoo would pull his head out of the Donald’s arse the Donald would feel better.
Dadeo commented on Is 21st Century Fox Trying To Cover Up The Cover Up Of Fox News Sexual Harassment?
2016-08-02 13:25:32 -0400
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“Some say” O’Riellys pissed at Rupert. O’Rielly had to shell out a few million to get his sexual escapades squashed while Roger gets his stories squashed and he gets a cool 40 million to pocket.
Dadeo commented on Hannity Makes His Own Bigoted Attack On Gold Star Father Khizr Khan
2016-08-01 19:31:17 -0400
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Makes one wonder what Hannity performed when Roger called.
Dadeo commented on Sean Hannity Loses It Trying To Hit Back At Jon Stewart And Erik Wemple
2016-07-23 11:22:42 -0400
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Conveniently skipped over the issue of his blatant hypocrisy. Wonder why.
Dadeo commented on Fox News Didn’t Want To Talk Much About Melania Trump’s Plagiarized Speech
2016-07-19 09:50:48 -0400
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Since the Trumpster likes to give names to certain people, might I suggest one I heard this morning….“Thieving Zsa-Zsa”.
Dadeo commented on Kelly File Guest Demands We Give Immigrants A ‘Sharia Test’
2016-07-16 19:28:41 -0400
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How about lie detector tests for Faux News.
Dadeo commented on Howard Kurtz Gives Fox’s Inflammatory Dallas Coverage A Pass
2016-07-10 20:15:13 -0400
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He should have told of the disgusting display of intolerance and hate displayed by the likes of Megan Kelly, Mark Furman and Hanitty on Friday night. It was quite a display. Notice when Fox tries to get in with the crowd they leave off the Fox identifier on the microphone. Walk away when Fox comes calling.
Dadeo commented on Fox’s Gutfeld Laments The ‘Internal Strife’ Donald Trump Has Caused At Fox News
2016-04-01 11:00:08 -0400
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Would like to see the Foxies asked if they’re so against Dumpster, would they still support the Dumbster if he’s their nominee. In a blink of an eye they would.
Dadeo commented on Was Bill O'Reilly Drunk During His Post-Debate Show?
2016-03-04 13:31:00 -0500
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This was due from lack of oxygen since Billdo spends his time up the Trumpsters ass.
Dadeo commented on Are The Hiked-Up Skirts On Fox News Just A Coincidence?
2016-02-17 13:28:28 -0500
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Kimberly Guilfoyle fans beware if you have problems with dairy products. She packing a heapin’ lot of cottage cheese. Kimberly please, spare us and try a pants suite.
Dadeo commented on Let's Watch The CNN Republican Debate Together
2015-12-15 21:51:50 -0500
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Resurrect Ike Carly
Dadeo commented on Fox Pretends Trump’s Muslim Plan Is Unquestionably Constitutional
2015-12-11 10:02:23 -0500
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Byron graduated from the law school of….oh wait, nevermind.
Question: when was the last time a Fauxette wore a pants suit?
Question: On the show The Five (might be the dumbest show on tv) what is wrong with Dana Perino’s legs and why is Faux hiding them?
Question: when was the last time a Fauxette wore a pants suit?
Question: On the show The Five (might be the dumbest show on tv) what is wrong with Dana Perino’s legs and why is Faux hiding them?