Fox guest Robert Jeffress, on today's Fox & Friends, mounted a full-scaled Islamophobic attack on Duke University for the "travesty" of initiating a once-a-week Muslim call to prayer.
As Time reports, "members of Duke University’s Muslim Students Association will begin chanting a weekly call-to-prayer from the bell tower of the school’s chapel this Friday, in what one religious expert called a first-of-its-kind development." Proving, once again, that Fox is the place where you can "bash Islam with impunity," this morning's Fox & Friends featured good Christian clergyman Jeffress who is not happy about this instance of religious tolerance. But it's not surprising that this clown would have his nice, white Christian panties in a bunch considering his Islamophobia and general intolerance. He has stated that political leaders should be Christian and that Islam supports pedophila - a charge he levels against the LGBT community, among other homophobic things.
Steve Doocy began the patented "Trouble with Schools" segment with the backstory on Duke's initiation of an Islamic call to prayer. The chyron framed the propaganda message that this is a big, fucking deal: "Duke University Uproar, Muslim Call to Prayer To Sound Every Friday." He framed Fox's disagreement with this in the form of a question: "Is this religious accommodation necessary or just completely unfair to non-Muslim students." (But on Fox & Friends, non-Christians should just suck it up when they see only Christian displays on public property.)
The vile Jeffress asserted that "this is political correctness run amok." He accused Duke of hypocrisy because the school once cancelled an anti-choice event. (Jeffress didn't mention that the Duke women's center apologized and said it wouldn't happen again.) Doocy said "sure" as the bigoted Jeffress ranted about how those who support tolerance are the most intolerant and that this is "travesty coming from a school that was originally founded as a Christian school by Methodists and Quakers." (Jeffress didn't mention that those denominations are quite liberal.") Despite the fact that the only objection to this is from the fringes of the religious right, the chyron read: "Muslim Chant Outcry, Should All Students be Forced to Listen." (But Fox doesn't care that non-Christian kids have to listen to "under God" in the Pledge!)
When Doocy hoped that other religions would get equal time and wondered when the Lord's Prayer would be amplified. (Which version, Steve, Catholic or Protestant?) Jeffress wants Christians students to insist that after the Muslim call to prayer, the school amplify John 3:16. Doocy claimed that the Muslim students are getting a "special accommodation." "As a Christian," Jeffress preached that "Islam is a false religion" (he doesn't have nice things to say about the Mormon Church either). While he acknowledged that Muslims have First Amendment rights, he claimed that the Constitution doesn't "mandate that all religions get equal time" and brayed the "our judiciary" has always said that this is a "Christian nation." (Guess he doesn't know about the Treaty of Tripoli.) He asserted that "our government" has given a "preference to the Judeo-Christian religion" (Guess he doesn't know about the First Amendment's "establishment" clause.)
As the chyron advanced the faux, Fox "controversy," "Muslim Chant Discord," Doocy cited Rev. Franklin Graham's suggestion that Duke donors stop donating. Jeffress agreed. Doocy claimed that people "all over the country are asking why Duke is doing this." (Thank You Fox News)
Only on the "fair & balanced" Fox News, are all religions not created equal!
Update: Duke reversed its decision and will not be allowing the call to prayer from the campus bell tower. Comments about this, on the school newspaper site, are interesting.
Due to the public backlash-thanks to the useless Fox “News” clowns-Duke backed down on the Muslim call to prayer.
You call yourself a Christian? Hah! The Bible has warn the masses of wolves in sheep’s clothing and false prophets. You are a hypocrite.