When it comes to reproductive rights, Fox, as the mouthpiece for the radical Christian right, is fully onboard with the defunding of Planned Parenthood because, God forbid, they don't want tax dollars going to a place which offers legal abortion. But when it comes to taxpayer dollars being spent on public organizations that endorse Christianity, arguably a violation of the 1st Amendment, Fox has no problem at all. Such was the case on yesterday's Fox & Friends when professional Fox Christian (and they are legion) Elisabeth Hasselbeck expressed her displeasure with "intolerant" atheists (a key demographic on Fox's shit list) who have expressed their displeasure with a Utica, NY fire department's "Happy Birthday Jesus" sign.
The segment was, of course, part of Fox & Friends patented "Fight for Faith" series. (Cuz Christians are being so persecuted, don't ya know!). As the chyron, "Faith Under 'Fire,' Atheists Threaten Fire Station Over Sign," framed the propaganda, Hasselbeck announced that OMG, "a fire department has been threatened by atheists" after they refused to take down their homemade "Happy Birthday Jesus, We Love You" sign from the front of the fire station." She introduced her guest, the local chief who is also a former Marine.
Russell Brooks explained the origin of this awesome sign which, did ya know, prompted an invalid woman, who hasn't been out of the house for four months, to request that her relatives take her out to see the sign. Such was the popularity of the sign, that even "out of towners" came to see it. (Uh, I don't think the non-Christians were making a pilgrimage). Hasselbeck read a statement from those nasty Jesus haters at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, another group on Fox's shit list. The statement asked how Brooks would feel if local government put up a Happy Birthday Mohammed sign. Brooks cited a local Muslim cleric who had no problem with the sign.
Hasselbeck, eager to provide validation, asked "what does that sign mean, we just heard what it meant to the community, what does it mean to the community of individuals who risk their lives daily, willing to go in there to fight the fires, what does it mean to those fighters." While acknowledging that some people are "intimidated" by the sign, he spoke about the bravery of the firefighters who "aren't intimidated by these atheists organizations and the sign is gonna stay." Hasselbeck responded that "it's a strong statement for the biggest fire yet seems to be intolerance here in the minds of many." She thanked Brooks for his "outstanding service, yadda, yadda..." She mentioned that Fox will be praying for the firefighters.
So, uh, how do you think Fox & Friends would react to a publicly funded fire station that sported a homemade banner with the Shahada (Islamic profession of faith) on it? Bet they'd be really tolerant. Ya think!