Washed up child star Kirk Cameron, who thinks that gay folks are "unnatural" and that same sex marriage is "destructive" to society, sure is #oneluckyguy. In addition to pimping his movie and his general awesomeness on Fox & Friends, he got to do the same thing on Outnumbered where the leggy ladies put the Foxlight on Cameron for two, count 'em, segments. Cameron's face time on Outnumbered included one segment in which he praised the Duggar's purity cult and, while the Outnumbered women just gushed over him, defended himself from critics. The other segment was a straightforward promotion of his Christmas Jesus movie which led to discussion about how Hollywood is embracing faith based movies. And, as he did in the other segment, he also pimped his own godly awesomeness.
As the mouthpiece for the religious right, Fox "News" is on a mission from God to promote Christian movies while, at the same time, condemning those movies which are seen, by Fox and the religious right, as not sufficiently orthodox such as "Noah." Earlier this year, Fox hosted several discussions about moves which feature, as the central plot device, "the Rapture," hardly a mainstream Christian teaching. The movie promotions also serve to advance the popular Fox meme about godless Hollywood (a thinly veiled reference to "Hollywood Jews?") which is being made godlier by Jesus freaks like Cameron whose 2013 visit to the Fox & Friends set enabled him to pimp his Christian movie, "Unstoppable," and to engage in some sweet Fox & Friends Christian fellowship.
While Fox & Friends is the premier Fox Christian show, Outnumbered isn't far behind in spreading the gospel of Jesus and the Christian right. Recently, they hosted a discussion of "Rapture" movies with washed-up "Hercules" star, Kevin Sorbo. The ladies also spoke about how Americans love Christian movies because it brings meaning to their lives - a discussion made surreal by the presence of Andrea Tantaros whose every word seems to emanate from a hate filled, decidedly un-Christian place.
Yesterday, Harris Faulkner queued up the discussion about Cameron's movie by playing a clip in which an unidentified man is speaking disparagingly about Christmas to a disgusted looking Cameron. According to a review which described the movie as "inept," this guy is Cameron's Grinchy brother-in-law whom Cameron disparaged in his other Outnumbered interview. After the clip, Faulkner gushed "I love your face, your expressions..." and everybody giggled. In departing from her usual snarling presentation, Tantaros couldn't have been any sweeter in describing how the movie is about "putting Christ back in Christmas" and "the latest addition to the growing ranks of Christian themed movies" which are bringing in beaucoup bucks - according to Tantaros.
Tantaros gushed about how "courageous" Cameron is for speaking out, in evil, godless Hollywood, about his faith. She added that his movie "Fireproof" was so successful because people "were excited to have something that actually celebrated marriages staying together and monogamy which is something that is not celebrated or cherished in modern culture." (Tantaros is single but, as she has mentioned, has a boyfriend who obviously hasn't put a ring on it.) Cameron talked about how, when those in Hollywood were "coming out of the closet," Christians were going into the closet but now it's all praise the lord. He talked about how biblical movies "resonate" with people.
Faulkner asked him if people "profess their faith" to him. This provided an opportunity for him to speak about how his films have helped many of his fans and aw shucks, "that's the kind of thing that keeps me going" because if, at the end of his life, he can say "made the world a better place" it's all good. All agreed that his movie is "bringing back faith" and "joy" to Christmas.
The world would be a better place if Kirk Cameron would just go away - but Fox News won't let that happen, praise Jesus and Roger Ailes!