Only in the bizarro world of the very Christian Fox News are Christian holy days used to foment hate. But in Foxworld, it's all good because it's all part of Fox's divine mission to fight the forces of satanic secularism which are eating away at the foundation of the greatest country that Jesus ever "forged." So, as sure as the tides go in, the tides go out, the Christian grievance industry girds their loins and gathers up their pitchforks as soon as they hear the annual Fox News call to do battle during the patented Fox News wars on Christmas and Easter. And thanks be to Roger Ailes that we have the Christian grievance hustlers good Fox & Friends Christians who, this morning, exposed another egregious attack (also cited on Fox Nation) on Easter at the hands of evil atheists who, OMG, are using the words of the Founders to do so!
As the chyron proclaimed, as Fox Fact, "Exercising Religious Liberty, the Unholy War on Easter," good Fox & Friends Christian (no other denominations need apply) Ainsley Earhardt, OMG, informed us that "the unholy war on Easter" is being fought in Chicago!!!! And what's worse is that the Freedom From Religion Foundation (in the top tier of Fox's shit list) is using, in its attack, OMG signs with quotes from Thomas Jefferson and John Adams who, as we all know, were bible thumping Christians. Just kidding - actually the Jefferson sign has a quote pertaining to separation of church and state (which the Christian right dismiss as an evil atheist myth) and the Adams sign has a quote about reason. Earhardt informed us that these signs are aimed at "countering" the Jesus exhibit in Daley Plaza which has a 19 foot cross and a supersized resurrected Jesus. Earhardt delivered the agitprop in the form of a question: "Has Easter evolved into an occasion to demean religious beliefs and Christianity?"
Earhardt asked the Freedom From Religion Foundation rep, Annie Laurie Gaylor, why she cared about Easter if she didn't believe in the afterlife and "all this stuff." Gaylor responded that she OMG believes in the heretical notion of the separation of church and state. As Virginia Galloway, from Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition, spoke, the agitprop chyron proclaimed, as Fox Fact, "Targeting Christianity, Silencing Religion in Easter Exhibits" (WTF? The Christians still have their exhibit." Galloway expressed sadness over the situation and whined about being "attacked and denigrated." The chyron described the Christian exhibit as a "Divine Display." After she acknowleged the FFRF's right to erect this display, she compared them to the Westboro Baptist Church, a ludicrous comparison given that Westboro insults gays ("God hates fags") while this FRFF display does not insult Christians but, rather, uses actual Founders quotes about the secular nature of our government.
Earhardt admitted that the FRFF has freedom of speech but questioned their "manners" during Holy Week. Gaylor said that her exhibit was both well mannered and patriotic. She noted that their group wouldn't be there if not for the Catholic exhibit which is part of a nine day prayer rally. When Earhardt attempt to misconstrue the FRFF's position on alleged Christian proselytizing at Clemson U., Gaylor corrected her. Galloway then cited the debunked David Barton Christian lie about how the first purchase, made by the US government, was to print bibles to be used in schools. She whined that "Christians cannot say anything in the public square." (But you still have Fox News!)When she said that "you can't lock us in a building," Earhardt smiled and nodded her pretty, little head.
As Fox friend Elisabeth Hasselbeck suggested, nasty atheists wouldn't be able to persecute Christians if only the First Amendment were suspended during religious holidays. Ya think?!
The right-wing doesn’t know the first thing about Jefferson or his religious beliefs. For instance, Jefferson was denounced as an “infidel” during his Presidential run in 1800 as well as being denounced as a “howling atheist” by his political opponents. A New England publication declared that a Jefferson Presidency would lead to the “seal of death on our holy religion” which, presumably, meant “Christianity” as a whole. (A bit of foreshadowing of the election of Barack Obama, perhaps? Or was the vilification of Obama merely a case of “History Repeating”—to borrow from the Propellerheads and Dame Shirley Bassey?)