Fox News actively pushes an alternate reality in which American Christians are the victims of ongoing persecution. During a recent persecuted Christian whinefest, on the Hannity show, professional Christian and former Jack Abramoff pal, Ralph Reed, said that attacks on Christians are "the last acceptable form of bigotry in our culture." That this statement is both laughable and a lie is underscored by Fox News' ongoing attacks on the LGBT community, atheists, and Muslims - a religious group that Fox bashes "with impunity" such as when, on last week's The Five, good Christian Andrea Tantaros said that Islam is the "most intolerant" religion evah. Last night, the tolerant Five advanced the outrage of the Islamophobic cottage industry over the Virginia Assembly's recent passage of a resolution honoring a Virginia mosque which, according to the Breitbart article linked on The Five's website, is a "terror mosque." Oh, noooo....
Devout Catholic Eric Bolling, who, when hosting on Fox & Friends, had no problem with his guest's characterization of Islam as a "radical, savage religion," reported on the resolution honoring the Falls Church mosque. He noted that this mosque was the "preferred place of worship for many terrorists over the years" including Anwar Al-Awelaki and Major Nidal Hassan. He asked if the assembly's commemoration was for the "outstanding ability to murder Americans."
Kimberly Guilfoyle provided validation with her comment that "many" of the 9-11 hijackers worshipped here so "this is the last mosque" that "should be getting this type of award or commendation." She whined that this is "sloppy and a slap in the face" to 9-11 victims." FACT CHECK - Only two of the hijackers worshiped here - not "many." Guilfoyle, a resident (as far as I know) of NY, brayed that "we" are paying the salaries of the Virginia assembly.
Bolling referenced the NY City "victory mosque," as an example of Muslim tone deafness. ("Victory mosque" is a term used by Islamophobes to describe the NY City Islamic Cultural Center - the so called "Ground Zero Mosque" which was the source of an abundance of Islamophobic Fox propaganda.) Gutfeld did his patented pseudo-intellectual snark with his commentary about "we" are giving American haters "a trophy" for their hatred. (Oh, the irony!) He pontificated that this is "political correctness" that will - ready for it - be "the undoing of our culture" and made a profound metaphor about an olive branch.
After Dana Perino said that not everybody who attends the mosque is a terrorist, Bob Beckel whined about how Christians are being slaughtered in Muslim countries and the "punk" leaders of these countries don't say anything about it. Gutfeld accused the VA assembly of "sloppy government." There was some joking banter about whether the mosque was really cooperating with attempts, by authorities, to identify terrorists.
So bashing Christians is the "last acceptable form of bigotry in our culture?" Guess Ralph Reed doesn't watch "The Five" whose hosts provide a perfect example of how Fox News is, as described the Center for American Progress's report, "Fear Incorporated," the "echo chamber" for what's hot, hot, hot in the wild world of hating on Islam.
And BTW, if the nice Five Christians weren't merely interested in spreading hate, they could have actually read the resolution which details why the mosque is being honored. Those who crafted the document included the statement that the mosque "promotes cooperation, tolerance, and mutual understanding among faiths" - certainly not something that Fox News can take credit for!!!!!
Video here
Yes, after suffering a barrage of insults from you, allowing you a second chance to join the blog and permitting you to stay while you remained civil, I had the unmitigated gall to call you out and ban you permanently once you started up with the insults again. You poor, persecuted troll!
Yes, after suffering a barrage of insults from you, allowing you a second chance to join the blog and permitting you to stay while you remained civil, I had the unmitigated gall to call you out and ban you permanently once you started up with the insults again. You poor, persecuted troll!
I’m not able to stoop down to your level. Please delete my account. It’s obvious that there is no such thing as fair and balanced on this site. How amusing. Typical intolerant libs.
You have a hell of a nerve coming back here and then complaining that we’re not tolerant enough. You were banned once for making flaming, insulting comments. Then you sent a flaming, insulting email in which you called us “sick” and “illiterate.” And now you’re back, under some different kind of login so that you could deliberately get around the ban and you have the audacity to lecture us?
Despite the fact that there are signs that you are an old troll sock puppet (say hi to Fox News for us!), I was willing to let you stay because you were making your disagreements civilly.
But if you hate us so much, why don’t you just leave? Eh? In any event, if you post one more flaming or disrespectful post, you will be banned and banned each and every time you decide to come back.
And don’t you dare start whining that it’s because you have a different opinion.
Keep going Rob Wilhelm. You expose your liberal love, tolerance, and equality for all with your posts.
“Can we only hope ignorant fucks like you are eventually delivered exactly what it is you deserve, right between the eyes?”
I see Islam has rubbed off on you. Why is it that Muslims and their sympathizers always want to respond with violence?
Don’t be overly inflammatory
Let’s not go overboard. 2.
Respect everyone’s time. No spam.
Be civil. No personal attacks.
No Talk Of Violence
We can’t allow any talk of violence whatsoever, even if you are just kidding. 5.
1 account per person.
My Muslim wife of 17 years would be real surprised to learn she is in possession of the characteristics you ignorantly attributed to Muslims.
Can we only hope ignorant fucks like you are eventually delivered exactly what it is you deserve, right between the eyes?
It’s not the Christians that are the problem, it’s elements of the faith based cult of ignorance dressed in Jesus drag seemingly too fucking stupid to think beyond the mindless void found in front of a television tuned to Fox News.
It’s amazing how the bane of the left revolves around LGBT issues. You don’t even want to know what happens to the LGBT groups in any Muslim majority country or what Islam’s position is on it. Do you really think Muslims have a better position on this than the Christians? Your are kidding yourselves to think that they do. They see you as useful idiots for their fight, and many lib tards like yourself are dragged along fighting their grievances under the banner of “human rights,” when in reality to the Muslim, it’s all about Muslim rights. Islam doesn’t even consider non-believers humans unless they are dhimmis, as in the property of Muslims, but they will milk you for all your worth if you can be used. Then they’ll dump you after they’re done with you.