Todd Starnes might live in Brooklyn, but he is no Brooklyn hipster as shown in his revulsion at those who promote the evil gay agenda and those who speak evil foreign languages. His distaste for those who don't speak real American was up front and center after the Coca Cola Super Bowl add which threw the real Americans into a collective apoplexy because "America the Beautiful" was sung in a variety of the foreign languages spoken by those who, contrary to what folks like Starnes think, are real Americans. In addition to sending out some unpleasant tweets about those evil "illegals," Toddles told radio host Tom Sullivan that the Super Bowl is not the venue for pushing diversity down real Americans throats. But here's the thing. Does Jesus loving, homo hating American patriot Starnes know that "America the Beautiful" was written by - ssshhh - a lesbian?!
Yep, the songwriter, Katherine Lee Bates was not only a lesbian but she was a Christian Socialist who was opposed to American imperialism!!! Not exactly the type of gal who would be welcome in the Fox nation. And she was also a professor at one of them, thar elitist Eastern colleges - Wellesley! And given that Fox has no affection for community organizing, I'm sure, if Fox had been around in Bates time, they wouldn't have looked too kindly on her commitment to progressive reform, labor rights, slums, and women's suffrage.
Bates long time partner was Katharine Coman who founded the economics department at Wellesley. Coman, an author, also co-authored with Bates, an English history book. Their relationship was considered a "Boston Marriage" which was code for two gay people, in a committed relationship, who lived together. Bates was a Republican until 1924 when she supported the Democratic candidate for president because the GOP opposed America's participation in the League of Nations. (Nothing changes, in 2014 the teabaggers see the UN as an evil conspiracy!).
She wrote the poem "America the Beautiful," in 1893, as an affirmation of her patriotism and "a protest against Gilded Age greed." Can you imagine what Fox's resident plutocrat, Stuart Varney would say about that! Some of the lyrics are a criticism of America's imperialistic foreign policy. Can you imagine what Fox's Bill Kristol would say about that! Her words were set to music, in 1895, by an Episcopalian priest - a denomination considered, by the Christian right, to be an apostate, sodomite tolerating church whose representatives are not seen on the very Christian/Catholic right Fox News.
Perhaps it's better that Toddles not be told of this because it could bring on another fit of the vapors. My goodness, one of those homos authoring a patriotic American song? As Toddles would say, "sweet mercy!"
Check out Steven Colbert's take on the right wing hysteria over the Super Bowl Ad.
@toddstarnes Jeb Bush has no problem speaking Spanish
“Does Jesus loving, homo hating American patriot Starnes know that “America the Beautiful” was written by – ssshhh – a lesbian?!"
Dear Priscilla: don’t be surprised if Todd Starnes replies, “HO, MO IT WASN’T!”
[sorry about that one mods — I simply COULD NOT RESIST!]
*As to the “bless his heart,” occasionally that’s “Southern code” for “damn, but he’s stupid.” (It’s actually code for a lot of things—usually “not good” things, especially when it follows something that sounds praiseworthy or complimentary. Something like, “Todd really does love his fried chicken, bless his heart” tends to translate as “Todd’s fat.” Or “Todd’s trying so hard to lose weight, bless his heart” tends to translate as “Todd really needs to quit stuffing his face if he expects to lose any weight.”)
I’d love to be able to go to Toddles, recite the Pledge in Spanish, and watch his fat head explode (kind of like an outtake from “Scanners”).
Cac ar oineach. Plá ar do theach.