When it comes to anti-choice extremism, Fox's Mike Huckabee is king of them all, y'all. He opposes abortion except when a woman's life is at risk. He has compared abortion to the Holocaust and in doing was criticized by the ADL. He has called for a federal ban on abortion. He supports "personhood" for the fetus which, if enacted into law, would also ban certain types of birth control. In the war on women's reproductive rights, he's in the Praetorian Guard. On his Saturday night show, he used the occasion of the annual "March for Life," taking place this week in Washington DC and other cities, to preach his anti-choice message which shows us, once again, that Fox News is the media mouthpiece for a patriarchal system that seeks to drive us back to the days of the back alley which, despite Huckabee's assertion to the contrary, isn't empowering women at all!
In what has become a standard whine from the anti-choice movement; i.e. the mainstream media ignores the pro-lifers, he noted that most people probably don't know about the anti-choice march. He claimed that the press will give "full throated attention" to anything done by "Occupy" which, in reality, hasn't been around for a couple of years. Just to make sure that his audience knows which media outlet Jesus hates, he claimed that "Occupy" stories would make the front page of the evil NY Times and Washington Post. He whined that the pro-lifers won't get any attention because Satan's baby killing media minions think the march involves pro-life "nuts" are "waging a war on women." (Ya think!)
He whined about how those who are "pro-life" are labeled "anti-abortion" (Ya think!) when they deserve to be called "pro-life." He attacked those who are pro-choice by claiming that they only support the "choice to end the life of the baby." (Uh, no, Mike. We support a woman's right to make a decision to terminate a pregnancy. But thanks for the thinly veiled suggestion that those who support and have abortions are "baby killers." That's so helpful). He created a perfect straw man by suggesting that those who are pro-choice think that women who give birth are stupid when that is simply not true.
Huck castigated GOP consultants who caution candidates not to "talk about the sanctity of life." He said the "ridiculous" notion that "a pro-life position is a war on women" is an insult to the millions who make extraordinary sacrifices for their children." (Hey Huck, the pro-life position that seeks to limit the reproductive choices of millions of women is a war on women). He claimed that the HHS mandate, that requires employer health plans to cover birth control, is "demeaning" as it reduces women to the level of beggars. (?!) He said that the women he knows are "far more complicated that their libido and the management of their reproductive system." (Ah Hah! Huck slipped. In citing "libido" he articulated the anti-choice, Christian argument that birth control is used only by horny single sluts!)
Huck fulminated about how Democrats are "pushing this war on women nonsense." (When the camera panned the audience, it showed a grinning, clapping, happy couple long past their childbearing years.") He continued to whine about how the government is treating women, who get free birth control and abortion, as helpless. (One more time, the mandate doesn't cover abortion.) Given that the GOP opposes affirmative action, his comment, about treating women as equals, was interesting. He praised the anti-choice women's groups. Given that the anti-choice movement seeks marginalize women by depriving them of reproductive choice, his comment that these anti-choice women "want no part of being miniaturized and marginalized." He zeroed in on the "pro-life" message when he said that the women in the anti-choice groups understand that "real power for a woman is to give life, not to take it."
He claimed that being "pro-life" is "consistent with solid science" when the issue is really a theological and a legal one on which there is no consensus. Given that the GOP opposes a social safety net for those who have passed the birth canal, his comment that pro-lifers don't devalue life was also ridiculous. In praising RNC chair Reince Priebus commitment to the pro-life movement, he characterized the anti-choice movement as waging a war for women.
So there you have it ladies, real power is all about having children - not being a baby killing slut. Forget about equal pay for equal work and being represented in corporate boardrooms. And if you're a poor mother, forget about affordable child care and food stamps if you do have those babies. But Fox is fair & balanced, so I'm sure that one of the other hosts will provide a voice for choice. Then again.....
I believe he would beat Hillary Clinton or another Democrat in 2016, and do it convincingly.”
So you see, Randy, until that sentence, you had me believing you were being serious and were a true, albeit misguided, believer. But as soon as you said that, you gave it away. You cannot be serious and believe he could win anything with his stone age thinking. You’ll have to do better than that next time. Good luck, though.
Oh yes, no doubt the candidates will be even better than the crop of fine, upstanding conservatives that represented the Repubs in 2012! Unfortunately, they mysteriously lost to the scary black man that gave us Obamacare!
But don’t give up……I’m sure that the likes of Huck, Palin, Santorum, Christie, Rubio, Cruz, West, Bachmann and any other moron that the TeaBillies can invent will do much better in 2016!
Whether or not the Governor decides to run for President again remains to be seen. There will no doubt be many fine Republican candidates in 2016—- but I see Governor Huckabee as truly being in a class of his own. There is no one like him, or even anyone similar. I feel he has the experience, wisdom, and class that running for President would require. His unusual communication skills would likely be envied by the greatest leaders and orators in our nation’s history.
Another unique quality he displays is the uncanny ability to communicate the conservative message without being obstinate and polarizing. I believe he would garner votes from Independents, women, and minorities like no other conservative. Simply put, America Likes Mike!
Through integrity, he displays the courage of his convictions to do what’s right—even when others may disagree. Mike Huckabee is a perfect example of a true
servant leader that I believe our country desperately needs to help heal our land and point the nation in a more hopeful direction. And yes, if he decides to run—
I believe he would beat Hillary Clinton or another Democrat in 2016, and do it convincingly.
Also, as soon as Huckleberry and a certain batch of the fetus-lovers also come clean about which group of fetuses are most affected by legal abortion, I might be willing to consider their side. They don’t like to acknowledge it publicly but there does seem to be a sizable contingent of the fetus-lovers who are more concerned about white women having abortion. Yes, in order to make their fetus protection concerns more palatable, they have to make certain that they mention how minority communities are being so adversely affected by abortion, but we all know they don’t really want more little black and brown children (who have the audacity to grow up into black and brown men and women, a scenario which doesn’t exactly appeal to the bulk of the fetus-lovers).