The gang on the Fox & Friends curvy couch loves Jesus but really, really hate those folks, who, due to economic circumstances, receive government benefits. Many of these people are those who are disabled, veterans, and the elderly; but, in Foxworld, these folks (read lazy, dark people) are the "takers" whom Mitt Romney spoke about and who continue to be attacked by Fox & Friends which knows that any suggestion of "welfare" plays well to their angry, white demographic. And just to make sure that the audience realizes that it's those moochers (not corporations and income inequality) who are causing the demise of this nation, this morning's Fox & Friends featured a conservative Brit to warn us that America is going the way of Europe. And this isn't the first time that Daniel Hannan has appeared on Fox & Friends. In 2011 he warned us about the dangers of multi-culturalism (read Muslims) which is another issue that plays well in the dark depths of Foxworld!
Elisabeth Hasslebeck, who isn't exactly the poster girl for hard times, immediately set the message: "From universal health care to government assistance, our next guest says we are quickly heading down the same path as failing European nations." The chyron reinforced the propaganda message: "Slippery Slope, Is the United States Turning Into Europe?" Brain Brian Kilmeade introduced Daniel Hannan who is a conservative member of the European Parliament who just happens to hate the beloved British National Health Service and who just happens to be pimping, according to Kilmeade, a "great new book," "Inventing Freedom, How the English Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World."
Kilmeade prompted Hannan to speak about the "worrisome signs" that Hannan has seen in the US. Hannan quipped that he is "inhabiting your future, a future of high spending, high taxes, and centralized power with government becoming self serving, remote, and you know what it doesn't work very well." Despite the reality that the deficit has been halved under the Obama administration (ssshhhhh) the side graphic was "Mounting Debt." As the chyron read "Government Giveaways," Doocy provided the red meat crowd with a graphic, titled "Entitlement Nation" that showed 49.2% of Americans receiving government benefits. This being Fox & Friends, there was no break-down of these *entitlements. Doocy crowed "we're doing our best to catch up with Europe."
Hannan spoke glowing of British "austerity" a view that, according to Bloomberg, is not universally held. He warned that Obamacare will mean that "people will be dependent on the new status quo." As he spoke, the chyron doubled down on the agitprop: "Future of Freedom, Has Personal Liberty Been Taken for Granted." The conversation turned to his book which is about how everything that is awesome was developed by those who spoke English.
Who needs health care when you have your freedom which was, of course, brought to you by those who speak's the queen's English. So do enjoy dying in the gutter and be quick about it.
*"Also among the 151,014,000 who received benefits from one or more government programs during that period: 49,901,000 who collected Social Security; 49,073,000 who got food stamps; 46,440,000 on Medicare; 23,228,000 in the Women, Infants and Children program, 20,223,000 getting Supplemental Security Income;13,433,000 who lived in public or subsidized rental housing; 5,098,000 who got unemployment; 3,178,000 who got veterans' benefits; and 364,000 who got railroad retirement benefits"
Today I’m personally not in need, but you never know what tomorrow will bring. The overall cost to each of us for these programs that can be a life saving safety net for all of us one day is ridiculously low in comparison to the corporate welfare that we the taxpayers provide, yet we don’t hear, see or speak no evil from the right on providing the haves with these entitlements.