The latest source of right wing stress is the "Common Core Curriculum," a federally backed "project by a consortium of states to raise public school standards nationwide." Sounds innocent enough; but according to the usual right wing screamers, it's “about top-down control engineered through government-administered tests and left-wing textbook monopolies" (Michelle Malkin) and a way to indoctrinate students with "extreme leftist ideology." (Glenn Beck). Nazis and Agenda 21 are part the deal. The Fox News website has featured several articles highlighting the opposition. So it's not a surprise that Fox & Friends gush over a Tennessee high school senior who, according to right wing sources, has engaged in an "epic take down of Common Core" (The Daily Caller), presented "one of the best cases ever made against Common Core (The Blaze) in a "devastating speech." (Fox Nation) Not to be outdone in the hyperbole department, Fox & Friends gushed about Nathan Young, who, "decimates" Common Core.
Fox News does love them their right wing youth who speak out against evil, liberal education. Back in 2010, Gretchen Carlson just gushed over a young man who claimed that he was a victim of evil liberal bias in the classroom. This past August, Megyn Kelly threatened to "name names" of those evil, liberal teachers who were "bulling" a conservative with their evil, liberal education. And now that a Tennessee high school senior has spoke out against the hated Common Core, Fox & Friends can't contain their glee. (Earlier in the week, on Fox & Friends, a representative from Phyllis Schafly's uber right wing Eagle Forum claimed that this is federal overreach and the lessons are "politically charged.")
Yesterday, during a patented "Trouble With Schools" segment, Hasslebeck immediately framed the issue as being an "even bigger debacle than Obamacare." She reported on the student who "decimates the Common Core and the politicians who instituted it." The chyron provided the key Fox fact: "A Core Problem, Student Expresses Unhappiness With Common Core." Hasslebeck added the most important word in the Fox News lexicon with her comment that the student was "outraged."
Video was played of Ethan Young spouting right wing agitprop that ensures him a future place at Fox News. During his performance speech he claimed that "the president essentially bribed states into implementation...somewhere the Founding Fathers are turning in their graves pleading, screaming, trying to say to us we teach to free minds, we teach to inspire..." As he spoke the chyron presented one of his arguments: "Not So Common, Core Standards Never Voted Upon by Congress."
Doocy said "wow, what a great speech, he was actually chewing out the school board." As the chyron reinforced the agitprop, "Our Nation's Future, Student Eloquently Blasts Common Core Curriculum." Doocy blithered about Common Core and how "a lot of people don't like the standards and would prefer things to be the way they used to." Brain Brian Kilmeade said that "they got hammered down in Washington and forced it on the states." (uh, no, states can participate or not). Kilmeade cited the "race to the top funds" which are part of Common Core. Hasslebeck said that Young "spoke for the teachers and the students who want the best for their education." After she added that Young has a "bright future," Kilmeade said that "he's impressive." The chyron stated, as Fox Fact, "A Grave Educational Matter, Young: Our Forefathers Pleading in Graves." (Right, George Washington is saying, don't do Common Core."
This is how the local media reported on Ethan Young: "Farragut High School senior Ethan Young also spoke during the meeting and told the school board the district is wrongfully focusing on the data instead of the impact of the teachers on students. 'Most importantly, the standards illustrate a mistrust of teachers, something I believe this county has already felt for a while,' Young said."
Funny how things get amplified in the Fox News echo chamber!