Yesterday, the gang on the new curvy couch began their week of celebrating political rising stars by interviewing the GOP Oklahoma House Speaker, TW Shannon. As I reported, the interview allowed the fetid Fiends Friends to promote a positive data point about the state while ignoring the negatives. It was also a platform for Shannon to articulate right wing talking points which were validated by the pals. The same format was followed, this morning, in an interview with "rising star," Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi who recently got some national attention when her office rescheduled an execution because it interfered with a Bondi fundraiser. But according to Fox & Friends, who gushed over Bondi back in July, Bondi is just awesome
The segment began with the formulaic Fox & Friends promotion of GOP talking points. Brain Brian Kilmeade immediately ran off a litany of Bondi's accomplishments as the chyron described her as "Florida's Fearless Attorney General." According to Kilmeade she has done the following: "Fought against mortgage and Medicaid fraud, stood up for the states rights over health care, battled to shut down dangerous pill mills, and taken on human trafficking. Steve Doocy chuckled "is that all."
Not mentioned by Fox & Friends - What Kilmeade described as standing up "for states rights over health care" is her opposition to GOP Governor Rick Scott's decision to accept Medicaid expansion funds that are part of Obamacare. Scott was overruled by the legislature and now many low income residents will continue to lack health care.
Towing the party line, new friend Elizabeth Hasslebeck giggled "she's a super-hero" who has nationwide "influence." Obviously Hasslebeck doesn't check her facts because she claimed that Bondi is the "first female AG." Bondi agreed and added "first Republican."
Fact Check- The first female Attorney General was Arlene Violent, a former nun who held the post of RI AG from 1985 to 1987.
Kilmeade said that Bondi "burst onto the national scene really taking on healthcare." (She supported Florida's legal challenge to Obamacare and we all know how that worked out!) Bondi asserted that despite the SCOTUS decision, healthcare reform is unconstitutional. She referenced her challenge to the "Navigators" which, translated, is the state rule which bans Navigator groups (those who have been given money to explain Obamacare) from entering any state health dept. office in order to help poor, uninsured from accessing health care.
Steve Doocy pimped a Fox News poll which shows that a majority of people are "worried about their health care." (And if they live in Florida, they should be worried!) The chyron promoted more right wing agitprop: "Florida's Fix, Why Obamacare Fails States." She complained about Navigators who are coming into the state with no background checks. She didn't mention that the Florida Navigators include The Epilepsy Foundation of Florida and the National Hispanic Council on Aging as well as other social services, a university, and a legal aid group. Hasslebeck proclaimed that "everybody seems to be jumping ship, doctors, as well." The chyron reinforced the chyron with another faux Fox "fact" - "Why It Won't Work, Pushing Back Against Obamacare."
Bondi discussed her efforts to fight against drugs. Hasslebeck wished Bondi good luck in her re-election campaign and added that Bondi "has a strong cause."
So, another day, another puff piece promoting a Republican politician and Republican talking points. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was....
Were I a rising REP star, I’d steer a wide berth around and past the (pink?) curvy couch. That’s attracted bad luck for many many more.
With this theme of political rising stars with only showcasing Republicans so far I’m guessing next will be African-American Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina. If and when they have a Democrat as a rising star it’ll be a Democrat with conservative views who they’ll say has courage to stand up against his party’s platform.