According to the FBI, violent crime has been decreasing for five years. But if you watch Fox News, you might think that America is awash in violent crime being perpetrated by young black thugs. Rather than critically analyzing the socio-economic factors, mental health (issues related to white mass murderers), and the easy availability of guns, Fox News has focused on the racial component of the recent crimes that do not appear to be racially motivated. And in yet another case of diverting and distracting from the real issues, Fox is now pushing the meme that kids go on murderous rampages because there's just not enough God in society. Last year, official Fox clergyman, Fr. Jonathan Morris opined that shootings, like those in Newtown, occur because the shooters just don't have enough God in their lives. Yesterday, he preached the same gospel when he asserted that if only kids had more God in their lives, things would by so much better.
Ainsley Earhardt, who is the total blonde package of legs and Christianity, reported on the recent acts of violence done by teens. After she cited Lane's killing, Clayton Morris mentioned the fatal beating of an 88 year old man. He asked if this "recent string of violence is an indication that we need to bring God back into the home." Despite the reality of FBI stats, good Christian Tucker Carlson opined that "there seems to be an increase in the number of these kinds of senseless and shockingly violent crimes." He asked Fr. Morris (tanned and toned after his Colorado vacation during which her officiated at a posh wedding and got caught at the Telluride Mushroom Festival) if this is related to - ready for it - "a decline in church going."
Fr. Morris responded that these crimes "make us think." He cited both the Lane and the 88 year old veteran cases. Morris said it would be "irresponsible" for him to say that if you don't believe in God, you're going to do bad things and that parents should motivate their children towards good behavior. He cited situations where "there is no family structure" and asked "where's the motivation." He expressed a belief that "people throughout the history of our country and many others have found in their relationship with God, a sense of justice, a sense of responsibility, and also a purpose and meaning in life" and that if these kids "aren't getting it, we're in trouble."
Clayton Morris mentioned that a viewer said that "morality comes from God" and asked "who teaches it to the kids" if the parents are absent. Fr. Morris responded that churches and private organizations should step in. He preached that when society rids itself of its moral compass and "when the government is not being actively supportive of private organizations like this or churches" who provide social services to kids there will be less focus on morality because youth won't "have a relationship with God or ultimate responsibility."
Theologian Earhardt compared the relationship with God to the relationship with a spouse in that you don't want to disappoint him and "make wrong choices." Fr. Morris concluded with the comment that religion should be introduced to parentless youth because it will be a "huge support."
I'm confused. I thought that the right wingers don't like big government, "nanny state," programs. I thought that they didn't want the evil, godless Obama administration interfering with their churches. Oh well. And while the cute little padre stressed the presence of God being a foundation for good behavior, isn't that contraindicated by the brutal treatment of blacks, at the hands of bible believing Christians, during Jim Crow. And weren't some of the Nazi's devout Catholics? And there's the occasional pastor's son who shoots a bunch of people. But hey, Fox & Friends tells you all you need to know. Simple answers for simple minds?
BTW, you can tell that this Morris Facebook groupie is totally swallowing the Fox propaganda. And while sweet lil Fr. Morris bemoans the lack of God in society, he obviously doesn't have a problem with racism which, I thought, is something not religiously cool. But what do I know...
Uh word to Carol Jean Collins - The movement that MLK was involved with was not about making peace with white people - it was about social and economic justice. But hey, you watch Fox so I understand.....
Just go stand between the warring factions during a good firefight and stop the ordinance from working. You can do it!!
Here’s why Christians specifically should drop their religion:
These “Christians” need to realize that God is not there for you now, and He hasn’t been there for you for a long, LONG time. There’s a philosophy (that’s actually based on religious theory) in which God wants us to be GROWN-UPS. Call Him from time to time when you want to talk and catch up—maybe invite Him over for supper once or twice a month. IOW, treat Him like you would your own MORTAL parents—because, if we’re all His “children,” it only stands to reason that He expects us to grow up and move out of the house and live our OWN lives as fully-functioning adults and not expect Him to bail us out of every piddly little situation (“I’m tired of bailing you out for every DUI so you’re on your own; if they get you for manslaughter or rape, call Me and I’ll see what I can do”).