Poor ole Mike Huckabee. While he tries to understand liberals, he can't because, aw shucks, they're just too darned weird - especially those silly libs who can't see the wisdom of the 20 week abortion bill which just passed the House. Poor ole Mike Huckabee just can't grasp why silly libs don't understand the "science" behind anti-choice legislation. Of course the "science" that he cites is totally bogus but who cares when you have anti-choice, anti-liberal, and anti-Obamacare talking points to push which is exactly what Mike Huckabee did, non-stop, for almost four minutes. Aw shucks.
Saturday night, Huckabee, in his most avuncular style, preached that he really doesn't understand why House liberals had a "hissy fit" over the 20 week abortion ban legislation because - pro-life propaganda alert - "science is pretty clear that babies feel pain." Engaging in what has been termed "fetus porn" (sensationalized descriptions of abortion), he added "that it surely must be painful to have one's arms and legs ripped from the body as happens in an abortion." Huckabee is lying about "science" being "pretty clear" on fetal pain. The preponderance of scientific analysis, on fetal pain, indicates that fetuses do not feel pain until after 24 weeks.
He continued with the newest iteration of anti-choice propaganda; i.e. that their position is based on science: "But the party that screams we ought to follow the science says that when it comes to abortion, science doesn't matter." (This, from a representative of a party that doesn't believe in climate change!!!) Huckabee said that "liberals are against pain for animals, whales, and dolphins" which is the anti-choice canard, illustrated on an "Organization Rescue" bumper sticker, "Be a hero, save a whale, save a baby, go to jail."
Good, ole, Huckabee kept the propaganda coming. Exposing the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the "pro-life" movement, he noted that liberals oppose the death penalty for those who rape and murder, "even though the decision to execute the criminal is the result of years of legal maneuvering and careful consideration of evidence and guilt determined by a jury...but they demand the right to carry out the death penalty on the unborn child at any time for any reason." Yowza, the old women have abortions because they're selfish sluts argument. And memo to Huck, those who have passed the birth control have, or should have, full legal rights as "persons." So far, personhood for fetuses has not been established - even in Jesus loving, pro-life Mississippi!
The misogyny continued when he demeaned the idea that abortion rights, supported by liberals, is "considered women's health" and "it can't be too healthy for the baby and if it's a little girl baby, I would think it would be bad for that little woman's health." (WTF?) He pushed the lie that taxpayers fund abortion when he said that while liberals don't want the government in their bedroom, they want the government to "clean up their mess and make the rest of us pay for it" if a pregnancy occurs.
Huck morphed anti-choice and anti-Obamacare talking points with his ludicrous comment that liberals approve of a six year old buying Plan B emergency contraception without their permission but when their daughter is 26, she is still on their health care. He claimed that liberals don't want to "come between a woman and her doctor even when the woman wants to end the baby's life" (Yowza, women as "baby killers") and that liberals think it's fine to have the "entire federal government get between men, women, and their doctors." He worked in the requisite liberals love a nanny state meme with the the claim that liberals approve of 14 year old girls getting birth control pills but want to limit soda sizes and salt.
He closed with a video of the possibly drunk, "redneck" comic Ron White saying "you can't fix stupid" - a comment rich in irony considering those pro-life politicians who say that women's bodies can, during rape, shut down a pregnancy, or that women should accept their rape babies as gifts from God. If you want stupid, how bout that Texas GOP House rep. who, during the debate about the 20 week abortion bill, said that male fetuses masturbate. But beyond stupid is the offensiveness of denying abortion to a woman who is carrying a fetus which could be causing her serious health complications or one that is so medically compromised that it would not be able to survive after birth. But then this is the same Fox host who exploited the death of a woman who died because she was refused a life saving, late term abortion.
Good ole Mike Huckabee thinks that liberals "just don't make sense." Really?
What he really needs to remember about the “animals, dolphins and whales” is that—for the most part—these have all been born; none of them are fetal or embryonic versions, still dependent on its mother.
As to the “fetal pain,” might I suppose that Huckleberry is fully supportive of absolute bans on infant circumcision? If a fetus “feels pain,” then what does that say to the (typically right-wing, religious-based conservative) opinion that the OBSERVED pain of infant males is “minimal” or even “inconsequential?”