Sean Hannity might be a vicious race baiter and right wing propaganda pusher; but he is also a conservative "pro-life" Catholic whose dislike of abortion and Planned Parenthood is almost as palpable as his dislike of President Obama. While he isn't as strident as his fellow Fox News conservative "pro-life" Catholic, Bill O'Reilly, Hannity doesn't waste an opportunity to highlight his support for those who are anti-choice. Last week, he interviewed a member of the Super Bowl winning Baltimore Ravens, Matt Birk, who, because of his views on abortion and Planned Parenthood, was conspicuously absent when his team recently visited the White House. For Hannity it was a propaganda touchdown as he was able to validate Birk's anti-choice views as well as work in, once again, in the standard anti-choice meme about how Pres. Obama didn't support the Illinois "born alive" bill. Goal?
Thursday night, the uterus free, seminary drop-out Hannity reported that his guest, Matt Birk, declined the invitation to the White House because of recent remarks, made by President Obama, to Planned Parenthood. He showed video of Obama telling his Planned Parenthood audience that he has their back. As Obama said "God Bless You" to the group, the chyron read "Pres. Obama Gives His Blessing to Planned Parenthood." In introducing Birk, Hannity referenced his "bold decision."
The uterus free and well paid Birk, a devout Catholic who also is publicly opposed to same sex marriage, said he is pro-life but believes that everybody should "make their own decisions." (Of course, if his pro-life pals get their way, the decision will be greatly restricted.) He expressed discomfort with Obama "invoking the name of God" in addressing Planned Parenthood because "you can't acknowledge God and say 'God bless Planned Parenthood' it's a contradiction." This being the pro-life "news" network, Hannity didn't mention the many clergy from liberal pro-choice churches who publicly support Planned Parenthood and invoke God's blessing for the organization. Birk cited the "lives" ended at Planned Parenthood which, of course, also provides real life saving services like breast exams, STD testing, and routine gynecological care. He noted "being pro-choice is one thing but bringing God into it, that's just too much for me."
Birk said that his teammates supported him and that his intent was "not to make a big statement." (But he's now a big hero in the pro-life circles). Hannity said he thought "it was the right stand" and that he "might have done the same thing." He then worked in the requisite anti-choice agitprop with his question of whether Birk was aware that Obama voted against the Illinois born alive bill, an issue that the pro-life movement uses to advance their lie that Obama supports infanticide. This is clearly not the case but that's not a problem for Fox News which has also advanced this agenda. Hannity even treated, as credible, the anti-choice discredited crazy person, Jill Stanek, who, in supporting the Illinois bill, claimed that Chicago hospital staff was putting "born-alive" babies in broom closets.
After Birk said "yes," Hannity had to further explain that this is when "babies who are born after a botched abortion denied medical attention." Naturally, Hannity didn't explain that the Illinois bill would have effectively banned all abortion in the state and that even some Republicans objected to it. Hannity wanted to know "why it wasn't a bigger issue in the campaign." Birk asserted that abortion should be part of a national conversation he recounted how somebody told him that sea turtle eggs "are federally protected yet we can end human lives." Advancing more pro-life anecdotal agitprop, he said that he's met a thousand women who regret their abortion (And there are thousands more who don't) and "those women are my heroes for their courage and their strength to join the pro-life movment and try to stop future women from making the same mistake."
Hannity went back to the sea turtles with a story about how one of his Florida builder pals told him that building stops until the turtle eggs are hatched. He then veered off into another favorite Christian right meme with a question about whether Tim Tebow has been discriminated against because he's a Christian.
So protecting endangered species is in the same ballpark with "protecting" fetuses which are being carried by sentient women who, unlike sea turtles, have control over their fertility, which they won't have if Hannity and Birk get their way. Seriously? While sea turtles need protection, fetuses of American women don't need protection from Hannity, Birk, and the Catholic Church. And last I checked, homo sapiens is not an endangered species. Hannity and Birk don't lack for financial resources, if they're so concerned about this problem, maybe they can take in some poor sea turtles babies after they are hatched born! That way they won't grow up to be part of those "takers."
Why would any American want rule of law when we have the Vatican?
Given his interesting personality and behavior, Hannocchio, is in no position to talk about God and faith.
Sea turtles have more intelligence than Hugh’s flop-house son.