One shudders to think how famous "dick" Tucker Carlson learned about sex. But that he is clearly uncomfortable with young people getting factually based sex education which harnesses the newest technology was evident in yesterday's Fox & Friends which explored the evil ramifications of a new app, produced by the NYC Health Department, to offer information to teens about a range of topics related to sex and sexuality. But what really disturbed Carlson was that the app has locations of places where young slutty sluts can, OMG, get abortions - as well as STD testing and other health services which not mentioned by Tucker. The app was developed to help cut down on teen pregnancy which, for some in the right wing, should be "celebrated" except, of course, when said teen and baby become "takers." And as far as STD's, conservative kids are clean teens who would never get those. Right?
The segment was part of Fox & Friends exposes about government waste titled "Seriously?" Clayton Morris described the app and how "anyone can download it for free." He didn't mention that this was developed with, OMG, input from teens. Carlson asked if this is "how kids should be getting this information." (No, Tucker, they should rely on their conservative, Christian parents to teach them about abstinence cuz we know that's so effective!) He introduced his guest, Sam Pirozzolo of the NYC Parents Association.
Carlson said that he read that the app "directs children to abortion clinics." Of course, in the interests of anti-choice, sensationalist propaganda, Carlson didn't mention that there is no parental consent requirement in the state of NY. Of course, Carlson didn't mention that some of the places that provide abortion also provide other reproductive health services. Carlson was taken aback by Pirozzolo's comment that his group doesn't take a stand on abortion and asked "so you don't have a problem with kids being directed to abortion clinics." (Hey Tucker, they could get that information from computers or even phone books) Pirozzolo did have a problem with that as it reflected the "subversion and collusion between the mayor's office, the department of education, and the department of health." He noted that a judge has ruled "any child who is of age can get Plan B." Despite the fact that medical professionals and the FDA have determined that this drug is safe for teens, Pirozzolo warned of dangerous side effects. He claimed that an ectopic pregnancy could result from the pill, despite a study which shows otherwise.
Morris read a statement from the NYC health commissioner in which he defended the app. The chyron read "Seriously, NYC Promotes Reproductive Services App." Pirozzolo complained that the app is "more than education" because it "directs children to clinics where they can get the Plan B contraceptive without a parent's consent." (Obviously Pirozzolo doesn't have a problem with teens buying condoms without parental consent?) In a brilliant apples and oranges moment he cited age limits for drinking and video games. (Can you get pregnant from a video game?) Tucker wanted to know why the city won't "back off and let parents raise their own kids." (Uh, because some parents aren't doing that?) He "cant' even imagine" how Pirozzolo "puts up with this." Pirozzolo then compared the app release to - ready for it- the "coverup" in Benghazi.
So Tucker doesn't want teens to know where they can access reproductive health care. Seriously? One can truly understand why Jon Stewart called Carlson a "dick!"
You mean, the same way Tucker’s FoxNoise colleagues seemed to insinuate that the Obamas won’t put their daughters on birth control because, well, it was a good way to slam the FDA’s decision to sell Plan B to girls as young as 13?
I think the real reason Tucker’s so upset at this app is because it wasn’t around when he was a horny teenager whose latest girlfriend told him she was “late.”