That the allegedly "fair & balanced" Fox News network is a conduit for the lies and propaganda of the extremist anti-abortion "American Taliban" is underscored by the presence of Mike Huckabee whose program features anti-abortion extremists such as Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood worker who was "converted" to the anti-abortion movement. Saturday, Ms. Johnson, whose newest pet project is to encourage Planned Parenthood workers to leave their jobs, returned to the Huckabee show which devoted two segments to more anti-choice agitprop and Planned Parenthood bashing. It also featured another former clinic worker's baseless claims about alleged criminal actions at her former place of employment. If there's any question as to whether the war on women is real, Mike Huckabee's show answers it strongly in the affirmative.
The first part of Huckabee's "right to life" advocacy, which set the message for what followed, focused on the trial of Dr. Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortion doctor who has been charged with allegedly killing babies born alive and the murder of a patient who as given too much anesthesia. While the specific allegations are gruesome, the anti-abortion extremists are using it to highlight what they feel is the barbarity of abortion when, in reality, the majority of abortions are done cleanly, safely, and legally.
He introduced Abby Johnson as a former Planned Parenthood worker who left her job after witnessing an abortion - a story that appears to have some serious credibility issues given that on the day of Johnson's "conversion," no abortions took place at her clinic - in addition to other discrepancies. Huckabee introduced his other guest, a woman who quit her job at an unnamed abortion clinic because "she couldn't bear to deal with the horrors of what she witnessed." He explained that both of these women are trying to convince women to "leave their jobs in the abortion industry."
The former abortion clinic worker and mother of seven, Deborah Edge, claimed that the conditions at Gosnell's clinic were what she "witnessed year after year." Huckabee didn't ask why she didn't report these supposed criminal infractions. Johnson wasn't shocked because abortionists "will do anything for a paycheck" a motive that can be ascribed to Johnson who has cashed a lot of checks from various anti-abortion groups for whom she worked. Edge claimed that she left her clinic after having gotten a flyer, which suggested that she could be prosecuted for assisting in criminal activities, from an anti-abortion protester outside the clinic. She then detailed alleged deceptive business practices engaged in by her unnamed clinic.
Huckabee opined that women who seek abortions are just so desperate and scared that they are really "victims."Johnson validated the anti-abortion myth that women aren't able to make rational decisions with her comment about how they are lied to and coerced by abortion staff. She claimed that she "coerced" women into having abortions at Planned Parenthood which Huck reminded us takes lots of tax dollars. She advanced the anti-abortion lie that the bulk of Planned Parenthood's business is abortion when it is only 3%. To Huckabee's question of whether Planned Parenthood is "primarily an abortion factory," she said yes when the reality that Planned Parenthood provides an array of health care services for women. She cited unsourced data about women who are "coerced," by mainly clinic staff, to abort.
When Huckabee claimed that the abortionist puts all the money "in his pocket," Edge accused her employer of doing just that. After describing the location of his clinics (make them easy to identify) she alleged that most of the staff aren't properly trained. Huckabee expressed relief that the women are "out of this horrid business" and "helping to get others make that exodus out of a very horrid, lucrative but disgusting industry."
So here we have a program, on an allegdly "fair & balanced" network, which traffics in unsubstantiated accusations and defamation on the part of a woman who might be a disgruntled worker in order to promote a radical, anti-abortion agenda. Talk about horrid, lucrative, and disgusting?!
It’s so funny to me how men like Hucksterbee are so demanding to control every aspect of a woman’s private life but aren’t willing to take a stand against women working outside the home. That sounds a little hypocritical, if you ask me.