Although he is not a Catholic, Roger Aisles has a great fondness for this church. In addition to pimping the talking points of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, whose views, for the most part, comport with those of the right wing GOP, Ailes employs a large stable of Catholics who have no qualms about publicly proclaiming their religious identification. Laura Ingraham, Fox contributor and part time host, even wears her Catholicism in the form of a great big, in your face, gold Catholic cross. Another one of the Fox Catholics, the "devout" Eric Bolling, is so religious (LOL) that he feels the need to tell his Twitter followers that he is going or went to Sunday Mass. (What was it that Jesus said about those who publicly worship?) And now it looks like he's combining his religious fervor with his political and scientific views. Following in the food steps of his fellow Catholic supply side Jesus devotee, Bill O'Reilly, who believes that Jesus guided evolution and created the tides, Bolling, who is also a creationist, tweets that his god was responsible for building the roads and creating the seas. Ah, right wing politics and dogma all in one. Jesus must be so happy!
Is Bolling trying to convince others, or himself, that he's such a paragon of Catholicism? So he goes to church every Sunday (and lights candles). Big deal! Who cares? Isn't bragging about one's religiosity a bit - ah - distasteful? Guess in America's Catholic newsroom, it's all good...
A lot of conservatives (those folks that FoxNoise likes to have as viewers) and especially religious conservatives (more of those folks that FoxNoise likes to have as viewers) deplore gambling.