Bill O'Reilly does love him his Lila Rose. And perhaps in gratitude for his allowing Ms. Rose to spout her "pro-life" propaganda, she does seem to love him back. In an article on her "Live Action News" (Is it me or does the name of her group sound so porno?) she wails about how Planned Parenthood is somehow complicit in Chinese forced abortion because International Planned Parenthood has "connections" to the Chinese family planning organization. But it gets better. In helping Lila expose the bogus national scandal of sex selection abortions, poor Bill has been attacked by evil forces including yours truly. Fancy that!
Ms. Rose whines about how the evil Media Matters, Daily Kos, and your humble correspondent criticized America's "pro-life" daddy, Bill O'Reilly, for his contention that, based on Rose's "sting" videos, sex selection abortion is rampant in this country - and according to Bill, that makes the USA no different from China. Well here's the thing, Lila. There are no forced abortions in this country. I know it's difficult for you to comprehend, Lila, but abortion is legal and in all but four states, a woman can abort for any reason including sex selection. It's not Planned Parenthood's job to scold them and try to talk them out of the procedure. And despite your "sting" videos and O'Reilly's free PR, which generated no legal action because they proved nothing illegal, the House of Representatives bill to ban sex selection abortion failed. And I know you and your pal Bill don't believe it; but sex selection abortion is not a big deal in this country.
But nice try at trying to chip away at reproductive rights. Bill O'Reilly did give you the national platform that you so crave. And his affirmation was as bogus as your argument. And BTW, if you get your way and abortion is criminalized, women will be forced to give birth or die in an illegal abortion. Now tell me how that's any different from what the Chinese are doing - which is not happening here!!!!
But thanks for reading News Hounds. We do appreciate your support!
Rose Thorn whines about China’s forced abortion. If this foolish broad is so concerned about China, she should fly her crazy self to that country and stop them. Let’s see how long she will last there. With any luck, the Chinese will throw this broad in prison and spare the U.S. from the likes her.
As for Billy, broads like Rose Thorn were quiet when Billy was having a jolly good time with Andrea. Billy and his kind hide behind so-called conservative values, but these fools never practice what they preach.
The masses are willing to purchase a one-way ticket for your trip to China. Let us know when you plan to leave.
Well, I’d like for Bill to explain how the USA IS any different from China, especially the way Bill and his fellow GOPers want to control women’s vaginas. The GOPers want to control vaginas in order to keep women from having abortions; the Chinese want to control vaginas in order to keep their population under some semblance of control. The GOPers seem to value males over females (let insurance companies pay for Viagra, but not the Pill) and, unfortunately, traditional Chinese society prefers males over females (China’s “one child” policy has an exemption if the first child has the misfortune of being penis-less).
Lila, putting aside that the way you edit your videos constitutes fraud, how’s it feel to be a serial violator of the 4th amendment? How about federal wiretap law? Doctor/patient confidentiality?
How about how it feels for you that you’re doing this to shut down women’s health clinics, because you don’t agree with one practice?
I see on your site that cite a lot of religious motives for this, aren’t you ashamed of how you’re crossing church/state laws to suppress others? You know, since Jesus was explicitly against such practices?
While we’re at it, how’s it feel to accept funding from the site of the now-deceased Andrew Breitbart, who openly believed that the 19th Amendment was the worst thing to ever happen to this country? I bet it feels the same as your mentor being an unconvicted rapist and you continually airing your “findings” on a TV hosted by a man that thinks women like being treated as property.
I donno about you, Lila… but if I was half the disgusting bitch you are, I’d be putting on my makeup with my eyes clo—oooooh, so that explains why it looked like that during your last interview!