On the right wing list of things most loathed, President Obama is right on top. Following close behind is the LGBT community which, according to today's radical right, is imposing a nefarious agenda meant to destroy heterosexual America as we know it. As the mouthpiece for the right, Fox News never wastes an opportunity to bash Obama and his administration - and that, sadly, includes mocking the transgender community. Last week, alleged official Fox "news" host Bret Baier, demonstrated that there is no depth to which Fox News will not sink when it comes to smearing Obama and, in the process, attacking an innocent American who was just fighting for her rights.
That Fox News obviously disrespects the transgender community is reflected in the mocking title of the video: "Fight for Your Right to Potty, Transgendered College Student Sues To Use Women's Room. DOJ Gets Involved." (Note: The Transgender community considers the word "transgendered" to be insulting and inappropriate. The Associated Press style book uses the word "transgender" as the proper designation for those with "gender incongruity.") The 5/25 video covered Bret Baier's nightly "Grapevine" segment which features short commentaries about whatever Baier thinks is interesting. It's a great vehicle for Fox propaganda as the brevity allows for the propaganda message to be presented as a short sound bite with no real analysis or discussion. At about 3:45 into the piece, Baier began the "right to potty" bit of sour grapes.
Without identifying his source as a site "designed to provide conservative activists with the resources, networking capabilities, and skills they need to revolutionize the struggle against leftist bias and abuse on college campuses," Baier stated that "Campus Reform" "reports a transgendered student at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith sued the school in order to use women's only bathrooms" (There's the word again). Baier reported that the school then "suggested" that she use gender neutral rest rooms. According to the Human Rights Commission blog, Jennifer Braly, who is transitioning from male to female, was ordered to use these bathrooms. Baier said that "when that didn't mollify that student, the Justice Department got involved and the school eventually reversed its policy." Baier didn't note that the reason why the student wasn't "mollified" was that the gender neutral facilities were not available in the buildings where Braly was taking classes. Baier noted that the DOJ said that they their letter to the school did not accuse the school of breaking a law and they did not direct the school to do anything. Another words, the school, most likely made an accomodation in order to get out of expensive litigation. So up until now, we just have a story that shouldn't have any relevance.
And that's when Baier got into agitprop mode with a quote from the Daily Caller (Baier didn't identify the Daily Caller as conservative. When the evil, librul media doesn't identity the nature of its sources, the Newsbusters guys say that's just more evil, librul bias!) which is run by the proudly and unabashedly homophobic Tucker Carlson: A Daily Caller reporter who covers the Fast and Furious investigation says -- quote--"It's pretty clear the DOJ's priorities are out of whack...Eric Holder's troupe focuses on trivial matters while demonstrably failing to comply with all 22 parts of the congressional subpoena into Operation Fast and Furious."
WTF????!!!! What does Operation Fast and Furious have to do with a civil rights case which the Daily Caller obviously thinks is "trivial?" Oh right, it's an opportunity to slam Obama's DOJ by using and mocking a transgender student who excercised her right to protest what she thought was a violation of her rights. (Proganda twofer) It appears that the America of "America's newsroom," doesn't include the LGBT community one of whom is being exploited to satisfy an agenda. Sad and rather shameless. Ya think!