Now that Fox "News" seems to have become an arm of the Catholic arch-diocese of NY, they realize that if Catholic church prince Cardinal Timothy Dolan ain't happy ain't nobody happy. Even though the Obama administration tried to accommodate the concerns of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Dolan (head of the group), ain't happy about the Obama administration's birth control mandate. And as such, Fox seems to be more than happy to reinforce Dolan's message about how this mandate is a "war" on Catholics - a message, that like the teaching of the Catholic catechism, is repeated in order to inculcate the one "true" piece of dogma which, for Fox, will hopefully result in bringing the Catholic sheep into the GOP fold. (Ailes as the "Good Shepherd?!) Yesterday alleged "news" anchor Bill Hemmer discussed how a 1993 "religious freedom" law, being cited in all the lawsuits being filed by a minority of Catholic organizations, could "sink" the HHS mandate. And in the process he also managed to reinforce Cardinal Dolan's Fox catechism lesson about "religious freedom." Gotta love the "fair & balanced" gospel of Fox "News."
Yesterday, Hemmer (another conservative Catholic in Ailes' stable of Catholic purebreds) asked, in his trademark smarmily fashion, if a Democrat backed law could "sink" the HHS mandate. He reported that this law is mentioned in every lawsuit. And being that this is an official "fair & balanced" news show, his one guest was rabidly anti-choice, GOP Senator Dr. Tom Coburn who would criminalize abortion even in cases of rape because his great-grandmother was raped by the sheriff and had her baby. True story.
Coburn claimed that the Obama administration, in keeping with the law supported by Dem. notables like Chuck Schumer and Ted Kennedy, has to prove that their policy was put in place without the intent of limiting religious freedom. He made the argument that a woman can go to any county health department and get free birth control - a ludicrous assertion given that this "free" birth control is limited to those on Medicaid. In saying that those birth control loving gals can saunter on down to the nearest Walmart and get $7 birth control, he made what has become a standard screw you ladies argument of the misogynist right wing. (Memo To Coburn -Walmart's minimum price is $9). What Coburn, an ob/gyn guy (Eww - would you trust him with your ladyparts?) and the bachelor Hemmer don't seem to get is that different women require different types of pills and not all are cheap. For those women who can't take the pill, alternative means of contraception are much more expensive.
Coburn said that the Obama administration, rather than "trampling on First Amendment rights, could expand Medicaid - another ludicrous assertion give that the GOP is trying to scale cut Medicaid. Hemmer reinforced the Fox message and worked in a plug for the Catholic cardinal for whom Fox is a mouthpiece: "You say this comes back to the contraception issue of religious freedom WHICH IS WHAT CARDINAL DOLAN is arguing. He says it's not about contraception it's about religious freedom and if the government is allowed to get through with this one then where would it stop with religion inAmerica." Coburn suggested that this is pay-back for those who support Obama. As video of Dolan, kissing a book and carrying some bizarre gold Catholic accoutrement, was shown, Coburn, speaking as a doctor, made the misogynist claim that "there is no shortage of birth control access for anybody" - another ludicrous claim because when women can't afford birth control, they don't have access. Hemmer said that it would be "ironic" if this law takes down the health care law." (Bill is hoping!) He ended with "The Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Who Knew."
As the "Church Lady" would say isn't this special. "Fair & Balanced" Hemmer ignored a SCOTUS decision that would seem to suggest a different outcome for the legal action. He ignored other lawsuits, regarding state birth control mandates, which the Catholic Church lost. He also didn't mention that some California bishops are not exactly thrilled with their bishop's "anti-Obama campaign." But he did manage to reinforce Cardinal Dolan's Fox catechism lesson about "religious freedom." RH Reality Check's Jodie Jacobson's description of the political and religious anti-choicers describes Fox News: "1) They could not care less about women's health and rights. 2) They have absolutely no idea how women struggle with the costs, risks, and responsibilities of reproduction nor what it means to do so. 3)They don't like to let reality or facts get in the way of ideology.
As Cardinal Dolan might say, go in peace, thanks be to God and Roger Ailes (who is a Fox god!)