Fox Radio's Todd Starnes, who occasionally appears on Fox News and whose articles are frequently sourced on Fox Nation, is a decorated foot soldier in the right wing's ongoing "culture war." His sole purpose in life seems to be rooting out examples of attempts, by the forces of secular darkness and the "gay agenda," to destroy all that we hold near and dear. But in addition to being a good Christian homophobe and good Christian slut shamer, it appears that Mr. Starnes might just be a good Christian Islamophobe. Check out his recent tweet in which he explains why a pig valve would have been preferable for heart surgery.
So Starnes thinks that all terrorists are non pork eating Muslims? Guess he missed the recent arrests of some domestic terrorists fellow pro-lifers who were charged with trying to do violence towards Planned Parenthood staff and property. Guess Starnes doesn't know that since 9/11, non-Muslims (home grown anti-abortion radicals, neo-Nazis, militias etc.) have been perpetrated domestic terrorism at almost two times the rate of Muslims. Fancy that.
But given Todd's rather porcine comments about Sandra Fluke, a pig valve would have been quite appropriate!
Irish Republican Army—Catholic
Ulster Defence Force —Protestant
Jewish Defense League/Jewish Armed Resistance- Hate Group/Domestic Terrorist Status
Ku Klux Klan -Hate Group/Domestic Terrorist Status
Oh, I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking like a Republican. Three of these groups are made up of white Christian/Catholics, and the JDL/JAR are far-right politically.
So, naturally… THEY can’t be terrorists.
I also hate to break it to Starnes, but unless he has a SKIN transplant (with a donation from several pigs), he’s not going to stop a Muslim terrorist from doing anything to him personally. Muslims (like Jews, by the way) are only prohibited from eating and touching pigs or porcine products. Unless his heart (which I still don’t believe he has) is on the outside of his body, a Muslim (or a Jew) can still touch him—for whatever reason. And, I should remind the fool that a group of (incidentally) Muslim terrorists managed to kill more than 3000 people on 9/11 without ever having to come in personal contact with them. Starnes could easily face the same situation. That theoretical pig valve won’t “insulate” him from a suicide bomber (whether of the Muslim variety, as with the 9/11 guys, or the Christian whackjob variety, such as Timothy McVeigh).